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I dipped my toes into HP Soap...again


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I tried HP soap again today. My first tries were...HORRID!!!!:undecided Welp, after seeing GG's Acid Trip tutorial I thought I would try HP again and then possible move on to CP so I could try some to make the Acid Trip. Well, I had to work forever to get the crap to trace but finally it did. I am waiting for it to set up but this attempt seems to be way more sucessfull than the rest of the tries:D . One reason may be that I formulated a recipe that seems to work great. It also satisfied the suggested ranges in SoapCalc. The color did not turn out the way I wanted but, Im just happy that nothing worse happended. When I get a chance I will upload some pics.

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Note:above, I meant the Angry Clown Salt Bars..for some reason, I can't edit it.

Anyhoo, I just unmolded and cut and OMG!!! It smells awesome. The colors turned out weird as I said above but the swirls don't look half bad. I have found a new love!! I will definitely have to make some more. The only issue I have had is that I use a shoe box, brand: Yellow Box, because it looked like a decent sized bar but... at the thickness I wanted them...they weigh......9 OUNCES:shocked2: !!! That is one big bar of soap. At my cost though, I can sell them for $4.00. Sounds pretty good when you compare to the cost of my glycerine soap which is $2.00 for a 4 oz bar. I can't wait to upload pics.

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Got good insurance?

ETA: oooooh, are you that kid? The one who was lambasted over in the candle section for multiple reasons? I seem to recall something about supportive parents which is great - do they have good insurance?

Really, until you can consistently produce bars - as the same look and quality from batch to batch - it's foolish at best to sell them, especially to an account... JMO of course.

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I understand your concern but I am confident in my products and feel that they are ready to sell. I had already tested my formula and simply had to work on coloring, I had been using liquid colorants that were just running together and making the bars look horrid. After using oxides all of the coloring problems dissapeared. I just need to buy titanium dioxide to keep FOs from dicoloring the soap. The last batch was a mixture of fragrance oils that included a lavender lilac blend that caused it to get a little darker than I had originally intended. Thanks again for the concern.

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I understand your concern but I am confident in my products and feel that they are ready to sell. I had already tested my formula and simply had to work on coloring, I had been using liquid colorants that were just running together and making the bars look horrid. After using oxides all of the coloring problems dissapeared.

Man you are really a piece of work! What happen to curing the soaps What happen to testing> You've made less than a half dozen batches of CP/HP soap and you already are selling them?:shocked2: SCAREY!!!!!!

I know that me personally, I will be making over 100 + batches of CP soap and still will NOT be selling to the public! Test, research, test some more, revamp revamp recipe and test some more!! Listen, research, test, test, test!!!!!



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Made the soap on the 1st. and sold all of them within 2 days. :shocked2: Yep I'd want them in my shower without curing properly!! God must have skipped you when he handed out common sense and your inexperience and lack of judgement is seriously going to harm someone sooner or later. Better make sure your insurance premiums are paid up!! :lipsrseal

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He 'says' he's a kid........who the heck really knows what's the truth and what's a bunch of hooey everytime they post!! Personally the ride for him/her/it in the brains department is over if any of what's posted is true, as the only ones who need prayers are the unsuspecting customers that will eventually get hurt. What's that saying from Forrest Gump......stupid is as stupid does!!

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Personally, I think that he/she is doing it purposely to get a rise out of us. Even a kid would have a hard time coming up with that many stupid things in just a few months and then posting here about them when everything he/she has ever posted about has caused a trainwreck. I usually look forward to his posts because they and the aftermath are so entertaining. My favourite was "making" laundry soap: buying commercial soap and pouring fo's into it.

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You'll never get it will you.........curing a soap 3 days is NOT fully cured, whether you tried it or not!! You really need another sand box to play in, most of us here are pretty fed up with your antics and lack of ethics in producing good, quality products!! :tongue2:

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Southern Scents, you really need some COMMON SENSE!

You are not curing a candle, you are curing soap that is still filled with the lye water. It needs to cure a minuim of four to six weeks!

Hope your parents are so understanding when you get sued for having burned someone with uncured, untested soap.

I also hope on you next batch of CP you run into major trouble!:angry2: It might serve you right and give you a swift kick into reality!


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In his defence, he is making HP soap, which should be safe to use immediately. However, it also needs a cure time, usually equal to that of CP, to allow it to harden. It's also a little extreme to jump from M&P to HP and then sell your second or third batch 3 days out of the mold.

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Ya know Doris, if you click on Southern Scent's name and read some of his post, you might get a clearer picture as to why we are all up in arm about this arrogant brat thinking he knows it all! Go ahead and read some of his posts. You'll back away from him too!

He can still hurt someone with the soap he's making but he won't care because he'll be moving onto the next idea for making milliuons of dollars!:tongue2:


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Ok… I got to jump in.

I seldom make HP, which is what SS says they did in the first post. Now, unless something changed, HP is supposedly ready for use as soon as it’s cut. I admit when I do HP I like to let it set a week before using it. It’s just nicer, but I have read many here who have said they sell their HP the day after it’s made. So why should SS have to let theirs cure?

Laundry soap? ok, not my idea of “hand made soap” but how many people buy lotion bases, add fragrance and sell it as home made? Is there a difference?

I do think you are moving a bit fast SS. However, I don’t have any problem with anyone “selling” their soaps as they learn to family and friends to cover the cost of supplies. This is a very expensive hobby and as long as the family and friends understand you are still new there shouldn’t be a problem. And at that price, well, that’s about all SS is getting.

On the subject of insurance, SS, I do hope you talk to your parents about it before you sell to the general public. Some people can be lawsuit crazy, and even if you make perfect soap they can claim it gave them a rash and sue you. They don’t need proof, of either a rash or that your soap caused it to file suit. Even if they loose you will be paying attorney and court costs. Homeowners insurance will usually cover any accidents that happen in the home, but I don’t believe any homeowners insurance will cover liability. It is, of course, up to you. I would hate to hear of you being hit by a frivolous lawsuit and your parent’s loosing everything because of it.

As for substandard product… who knows, maybe SS lucked onto a really great recipe right off. Or maybe it is only mediocre compared to other hand soap. Either way it is no doubt better than commercial soap. If it is only mediocre SS will no doubt figure that out, or fail at marketing them. This is simple, people who are drawn (in my experience) to hand made soap will be buying it from other sources as well, and will keep buying the better soap. If SS produces and sells a lye heavy batch then will be out of business and in debt fast no doubt. Making soap (and candles) is not rocket science. As long as people understand the risks with lye, it’s really no different than baking a cake from scratch. We start with someone else’s recipe and tweak and adjust to make it our own. With three batches I doubt SS has had much chance to do much tweaking, and with time will see the difference.

Personally I agree with CareBear about a young getting involved in soap and/or candles, or any other small business venture. I see far too many who sit and expect mom and dad to just keep buying them everything their little hearts can desire. My experience with young people is also… well… they don’t like to learn from other’s experience. The old joke about teenagers who think they know it all… reality. Most have to bang their heads against a wall for awhile before they figure out that someone with experience was right. In my experience it’s easiest to just wait til they get a headache and are ready to listen. No need to become derogatory or demeaning. And personally… when someone demeans me… I tend to ignore anything they have to say, even if I think they may be right about something.

Some of the posts in this thread bother me, a lot more than the idea of a young person potentially making a serious mistake, moving to fast. I have learned to love this board for the support and advice so many are willing to share. I hate to see posts that attack and demean someone. I do not argue anyone’s right to express their opinion, I am disappointed in how some choose to express it. It is simply not inline with my over all experience here. I think I will choose to ignore this thread from now on. I have no doubt there will be some who will take this personally and decide to “get even”. The really great thing about forums, so easy to ignore people you don’t like.

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