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I just got my JBN box!!!!


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I just opened that beautiful box that held my 4 lb pour pot and USA, labels, and wick holder thingies!!! I am so excited I'm giddy!!! Won't be long now!!

This is a sickness. I can tell. I can't stop thinking about it!!!! LOL

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Thanks sassy906! I feel a little stupid even posting this thread, but I want to like yell it to the world! LOL

I've always wanted to try this. For the longest time really. I've done some crafty things. Made some quilts. Working on a few right now that I'm taking a little break from. Make curtains out of top sheets that match the kids bedding. LOL With valances. LOL

I'm so glad that day I was shopping in the mini mall near bye, looking at the price of Yank's bloatwax, I realized that I could probably do this! The best I can do is try. And I'm going to focus. My head is in this 100%. I'm really excited. My husband is excited for me too! Tonight, when he came home, I showed off my pour pot like it was gold or something. He thinks I'm crazy sometimes, when I spend a lot of time just reading about this stuff, but he understands why I'm doing it this way.

He actually asked me why I didn't buy my wax yet. I told him I want to do this right, and not waste a ton of money on the wrong things. He's pretty excited to see my first candle. I really can't wait!!! :D

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Oh I will! LOL I have a digital camera already and can even take .avi files which are motion pictures with it, and post it linked to a site which hosts them for free, if I need some help with something I can only show people in motion.

I'm going to buy a notebook with ring, so I can add and create sections to it, with a few pocket things to put receipts and stuff too, so I can keep track of what I bought where.

Thanks for the nice comments. I really am excited. Tomorrow probably, will be placing last orders and by this time next week, should be already past my first pour! I hope! ;)

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I actually didn't get their FO. I have this all planned out. I'm going to try some of my local walk in fo's and some of Bert's as well. Will get my wax, wicks, jars locally too. I have wax about 2 miles or so from me. Cargill waxes so I'm going C3 and containers to start with.

I'm going to use local premiere wicks too, and when I got to pick up my stuff, will ask what else they have that I can pick up there. Oh and going to get dye locally as well at the same place.

I'm going to do my first one ounce pure C3 to check for how it melts, no tempering. Then will take it from there. Going to use a 12 oz madison jar which is 4 1/2 " high by 2 1/2" diameter. If she has a 4 oz madison that I can buy with the same diameter, will try that for burn tests. If not, I might have my madison jar cut down to 4 oz size. I really want to try to see how I can get the burn tests at first, seeing if I need to add usa, using that exact jar before I do up my first 12 oz.

I have this all planned out. First candle, if I can see what 1 oz looks like with no wick, will move it up to fo, then dye after testing at each stage. LOL

It's like I'm getting ready to tackle some monster or something. ;) I'm really excited! :D

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Wanna hear something bad?? I go to JBN once a week, buy more supplies, but can't manage to quit reading long enough to make candles!! I'm so trying to sink in all the information that I can, that I'm not utilizing my time into making and testing! I keep scolding myself everyday.... but this forum is almost MORE addicting!

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I probably would be going everyday too, if I had something like that where I could walk into! I don't blame you! It must be nice to walk into a place and smell fo's all the time, and browse isles and isles of candle making stuff. You're lucky! :)

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Just a suggestion, right now it will be easy to go through receipts and find where you bought stuff...but after you spend oh $1000-$3000, it will get tough to locate the item you're looking for unless you can limit to 1 or 2 suppliers. I started a spreadsheet and listed by item where I got it. That way I can sort the spreadsheet however I want and easily search for items or suppliers. I also made notes as to whether I liked the product or not and the last price I paid for it (helps if you ever want to sell stuff!) It has saved my butt many times now and has also been a big time saver for me. I recently started the same thing with my testing notes, transferrred the last year into a spreadsheet, it's so much easier than looking through a notebook to find how I did something 6 months ago.

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KK I have done the same thing (although I admit to being a little behind on entering invoices...:o). This information can be imported into database programs and all kinds of applications to help keep one more organized.

I also took someone's suggestion and am making index cards to hold information on all my containers, molds, FOs, wicks, etc. so I can easily locate it when I need to.

Jeni, you go to JBN weekly? I am dripping GREEN with envy! :undecided

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So Kandlekrazy and Stella, you do this on the computer? The spreadsheet thing? I guess in excell if so? I don't know how to use excell, but I have friends who do and could make something up for me. I'll look into what you're saying that you very, very much for the advice!

Good ideas and I will definately do that! Thank you! :)

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