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BUTTERMINT - Still got a lot to learn about


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MOTTLING!!! These are the pillars I was making the other evening when I posted a question about why the heck I could hardly poke any relief holes in the bottom of the candle to top up and then quite a lot of wax came "bubbling" out of the holes! Anyway, I used straight paraffin, Stearin was 4.5%, F.O. 5.3% and UV. I poured the first layer at 156°F and then increased the temp each layer. I heated the side of the mould, saw all those darn bubbles coming to the top of the layer, but still have masses on the surface of the candle. :rolleyes2 They look ok, rustic is the style I do anyway, but I wanted a MOTTLE!! Should I use more FO? Pour much hotter? This wax will mottle as you can see by the pic of the bottom of the candle. Any tips, suggestions greatly appreciated and I will give it another go.:smiley2: BTW this FO is from Peaks and smells awesome.



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Thanks Judy and Scented. I will definately pour hotter. I do not really want to add any more FO as the candle already feels quite oily - I guess the aim of a mottle is not to have any frosting, I just like the effect I have seen on here of the frosting and mottle effect some people get on their candles.

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