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Any of you stick with a specific wax & wick, and then only buy FOs that work w/ that?

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I should say repeatedly buy only FOs that work with it, because you have to test an FO at least once to know if it's going to work.

I'm trying to streamline my process and I wondered if that was a valid method to follow. It seems like some of you work with dozens of different waxes, wicks, and FOs, so I'm not sure if I'm overly limiting myself by being THAT streamlined. Anyway, just wondering if anyone else does this.


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OK, I feel better now. :cheesy2: Thanks! I thought I was limiting myself too much or wasn't being industrious enough. I've also bought enough FOs from different suppliers that, like PurpleHippie mentioned, I'm finding very few that are working in my wax/wick of choice and that I'm satisfied with.

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