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Isn't This Pitiful???


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I much prefer both the looks and the actual process of making M&P soap in a log instead of individual molds. This is the tool I use to cut it--I wanted to also post a picture of the miter box, but evidently WSP has discontinued it (maybe other people had the same problem I do and they decided that was the problem)!!!


Now this is a picture of my typical results!! I can't figure out what my problem is--I hold my soap firmly against the side of the miter box while pushing down on the wavy cutter (above). I've looked and looked at the cutter and it looks perfectly straight and it's not at all flexible to my touch--I've tried bending it, so I can't figure out how in the world my soap comes out so "whopperjawed"!!! (That's a southern term I'll bet lots of you have never heard!). I see pictures you guys post of beautiful stacks of perfectly cut soap and this is what I get!! Any help???


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With M&P, is there a time you can cut softer? I've been cutting as soon as I unmold, but sometimes I have to put the log in the freezer to get it out of the plastic mold.

I just bought a silicone loaf pan so it should be no problem to get it out without the freezer, so maybe that will take care of my problem!

I assumed the problem was something I was doing and never thought the soap might be too hard--maybe not having to slightly freeze will take care of it.

I'll try to find some kind of wooden block to use also--and thanks, Scent Cellar, for the compliment. This is the first time I'd made a chunky soap and I really liked the looks of it, too.


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What pretty soap colors, very nice. :)

Typically, MP is a hard medium to work with in logs, from what I've seen and been told. Even For Crafts Sake won't guarantee any of their cutters if they are used to cut MP. I don't make this type of soap, but perhaps you can pour them into individual molds? I know Grumpy can cut her MP out of a log, I am sure she'll chime in and give you some pointers.

Why are people telling you to cut sooner, it's MP..?? I wasn't aware you could even attempt it.

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They're not pitiful lookin' at all! They look great! M&P is hard to cut, some bases are rock hard. (Maybe add a tad bit more oils/butters to your base so it won't be so hard) Others like SFIC bases are softer... therefore easier to cut IMO. Like someone else has stated, use a wooden block up against the soap log... and use your cutter in a gentle side to side rocking motion to cut.

But I think the "whopperjawed" look is great!

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Your soap is very pretty!

If you must put it in the freezer to unmold, let it sit for a while before trying to cut it.

And a trick I learned, after having many MP bars look like yours, is not to cut it in slices off the big log. I used a ruler, measured it off in halfs, then cut, then quarters and cut, and so on, until cutting the chunks in half gave me the thickness I wanted. I really got better and more even slices by doing it that way, giving me better control over the cutter (either the crinkle cutter, the straight cutter or a knife)

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Thanks so much for the suggestions--I love the looks of the crinkle cutter, but I'm wondering if I might have better luck just using a large butcher knife and pressing down from both sides.

Sure appreciate the help. By the way, my soap base is SFIC, but I'd bet having put it in the freezer might be a big part of my problem. I'll try again!


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Yah, it looks like your problem is cutting it right after you take it out of the freezer-i'ts FROZEN and would be too hard. ;)

It looks like (from the pic) that it's actually breaking off while your cutting (cuz it's frozen).

I love making logs from M&P also, and have to put some of mine in the freezer to get them out, but I never find the time to cut them right away.

M&P does not get harder as it sets, like CP soap. ;)

I love that soap you made, it's too bad it's all "whopperjawed" (yep, never heard that term before LOL).

Can you stand them back up in the mitre box and try and recut them a bit straighter? I've done that before, it's hard but do-able.

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Michi & candlesprite, thanks for the suggestions. Next time I'll be more patient and not cut as soon as I get it out of the mold--it had never occurred to me before today that might have been the problem!

I've already shrink wrapped this (just to see how it would hold up)--it's one we'll just keep for home use. I scented it with vanilla and was interested to see how dark it would turn--I'm liking it better and better as it gets darker!



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Only other thing I can add is that you might be trying to push the blade through too fast. The blade will then take the path of least resistence and with a chunk soap this will be especially true since there are many angles and air spaces between chunks. So as well as not cutting when it's too cold, try to just slow down the pressure and hopefully that will help some too. :)

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Wow--thanks. I had no idea that I should try to cut more slowly. Guess the old saying's true--"Slow and steady wins the race!" Patience has never been one of my strong points--DH is always telling me "Slow down--take it easy."

So I'll try cutting more slowly, too--surely incorporating all these ideas will help me to cut straighter next time!


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Ooh would you mind taking another pic. I'd love to see how it's darkened. :)

If my poor little mind will remember until I get home, I'll be happy to--it would be good to have a side-by-side comparison.

Thanks for the interest! You know how it is--nobody at home thinks these things are nearly as fascinating as we addicted people do!!


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That's too funny I get the same thing w/ my CP when cutting it and I don't wait long. I haven't seen to many M&P bases that get so hard that you can't cut them. Did you struggle to get the cutter through? If so I'd add more oil/butter like CBE suggested.

This blade is really a tough one, because of its design its flimsy.

Beautiful soap though (I do feel your pain).


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How long do you leave it in the freezer?

What I do is leave it in the freezer for maybe 30 minutes max, let it dry off and come back down to room temp, maybe an hour or so on the counter, unmold it and mark off faint 1 inch scores on the top with a ruler and cut free handed. Seems to work pretty good till the soap fairies find me again later.

I never had much luck with MP logs and a miter box for some reason. They always slipped a bit and I got really crappy cuts. It also helps to have a sharp edge on your cutter. if you can, take a steel to the edge of your cutter and sharpen the blade just a bit. Seems to me, that with maybe between leaving it in the freezer too long and a dull blade, that's why they're breaking on you.

Pretty soaps though, I just love MP.

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samething happens when I cut my cp soap

not every bar and not everytime

I push the back end up against the wall and that helps some but it still happens

I go slow and I think I have it straight going down just comes out wrong, I usually end up making small trims trying to get it even again before cutting the next bar

I am having my dad build one of those professional cutters that uses piano type wire and cuts the whole log at 1 time

I can't take the uneven bars anymore I even thought getting that guide would help rather then doing it free hand but no luck for me

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Sorry, guys, for some reason I didn't see these responses from several days ago! Grumpy, I only leave it in the freezer for about 20 minutes, which is why I thought it would be safe to cut immediately. I assumed that wasn't long enough for it to really freeze, just to make it release easier. But next time I'll definitely wait!

You mentioned sharpening my blade--can I sharpen a wavy cutter or should I just go with a butcher knife that I know I can sharpen?

I've been covered up with candle orders this past week so I haven't had a chance to play in the soap lately (hopefully it will stay this way until Christmas!). But as soon as I get a chance to make more soap, I'll try out the suggestions here.

I really appreciate all of you taking the time to help!


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