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New To Containers

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I have just got into making containers, i'm a pillar girl me :D . I found some lovely jars with lids on ebay, they are 7cm across the opening at the top and they are very deep, going slightly pot bellied near the bottom.

I have wicked it with an ECO6 for starters and I must say it is burning beautifully, no 'shrooms, no flickering or smoking and no huge flame and I can smell Red Cherries at the top of my stairs :cheesy2: . Trouble is, its been burning for nearly 4.5 hours now and it hasn't made a full melt pool yet. I am a bit unwilling to change the wick because its going so well, am I right in thinking that the meltpool will catch up as the container empties, because it is so deep? Should I just wait and see how further burns go? Does it really matter if a full melt pool doesn't happen on first burn?

Thanks for any comments.


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well 1st I must say that I am jealous of you and your pillars lol still trying to master those with the wicks. okay as for your question I use soy and for me a full mp doesnt always happen right away but does catch up in the middle. I know the wick wont catch up though when it is deeper then it is wider you know the tunneling issue. So thats my two cents with what I do. Best of luck

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Thanks Gdawg, to me pillars are easy peasy now because I have worked hard on them. Containers though - arghhh - they are going to have me in the nut house I can tell ya :laugh2: It just depends what you have spent time doing I suppose.

*LOL* Yvette! These containers - can't call them jars because they are ceramic with a lid - are going to be a nightmare because they are very deep! I know the wick is going to start playing up the more it burns down because of the lack of air flow, but we'll see.


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Does it really matter if a full melt pool doesn't happen on first burn?

I dunno what kind of wax you are using, Anjie (good thing to mention), but with soy wax, WAY too much emphasis is placed on achieving a full melt pool during the first burn. With both soy wax and palm wax, I don't even worry if I don't achieve a full melt pool the first time out!

The shape of the container matters a LOT! One that is narrower at the mouth, then bulges below, is going to be more difficult to wick in any wax simply because of its shape. Containers that are deeper than they are wide also are more difficult to wick...

You need to test all the way to the end to be sure that the wick you choose can hold up to the conditions in the last third of the container. Once you have the wick you think works best and it burns well all the way down during controlled testing, powerburn one just to be sure it holds up to the abuse that the general public dishes out to container candles. :)

I agree - pillars ARE easier!:)

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I dunno what kind of wax you are using, Anjie (good thing to mention), but with soy wax, WAY too much emphasis is placed on achieving a full melt pool during the first burn. With both soy wax and palm wax, I don't even worry if I don't achieve a full melt pool the first time out!

The shape of the container matters a LOT! One that is narrower at the mouth, then bulges below, is going to be more difficult to wick in any wax simply because of its shape. Containers that are deeper than they are wide also are more difficult to wick...

You need to test all the way to the end to be sure that the wick you choose can hold up to the conditions in the last third of the container. Once you have the wick you think works best and it burns well all the way down during controlled testing, powerburn one just to be sure it holds up to the abuse that the general public dishes out to container candles. :)

I agree - pillars ARE easier!:)

OMG Stella, I'm sorry, I thought I did already dohhh. I am using a paraffin container wax that is produced by Sasol. Thank you for the advice, it is very much appreciated. I thought it was going to be tricky wicking these things but, oh well, its a challenge :wink2: .


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