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wax/wick question

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I use the search feature first always, or I would not be posting this here. :) I was hoping maybe someone had created a calculator like the lovely ones we have here. I am new and have only worked with the eco8 and really not sure when one should wick up/down and was looking for guideance, so if you know where I could get a more better understanding of my question, without having to do numerous different types of seaches to try and find something, that would be appreciated, thank you.

Dawn .

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I would never trust a calculator to determine what size wick works. Pour a candle, test it and see what works for you. I would wait until you have gone thru at least 3 burns (a few hours ea.) Wick your jar for the last 1/3 burn. Carole

Yea, but calculators and lists sure help those of us not sure where to start!

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using 'eco' and 'jj' as my search words I found these links:




there were actually two pages of responses, and that is just a few relevant links.

Seems the consensus is between an ECO 8 and an ECO 10

eta: wicking up is generally on heavier FO, like vanilla, spice, etc

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So the bigger the wick, the better the hot throw? Forgive my stupidity, I just want to understand the wick thing. I am having a problem with BCN's Caramel Apple at the moment. I cannot smell it when I light the candle. I have an eco8 right now so does that mean I might want to wick up? Thanks.


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bigger the wick doesnt always mean better hot throw, sometimes when I go up a size it tunnels for me rather then the full MP so I then have to look at one of my other series of wicks to test. I use cb135 and dont have luck with the eco's so yeah what works for one doesnt work for all.

I wish I could find that magic list of wicks also, I do go off of the supplier's list of recomendations though for a startig point

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like Gdawg said, bigger isn't necessarily better. A bigger wick can burn up your FO without actually giving you any scent throw. Seems impossible, right? But, it's true. I believe in wicking down as much as possible. I don't care if there is a bit of wax left on the sides of the jar until the last burn. Finding the right wax/wick/FO combination can be very, very difficult. Just when you think you have your formula cemented, you'll run into a FO that defies logic. I used to fight such FO's, but have since learned it's a lot less of a headache to give up quickly on a difficult FO and search for another.

Anyway, that's why I was a bit vague in my first answer to your question. For example, another CT'er and I are testing a blend. I think she's having to use a size bigger wick than I am, and there really isn't any logical explanation for it. People can suggest starting points, but always remember that just because something works for one person doesn't guarantee that it will work for everyone. There is too much fluctuation in natural waxes and too many candle gremlins out there wreaking havoc.

Just my two cents...

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With my Eco8 I am getting about 1/2" full MP at about 2 1/2 hours. I cannot smell anything unless I burn my nose hairs. Cold throw just smells like a crayon, non existant. So do I go with the 6 (medium container) or the 10 (large container (3 - 3 1/4) or keep uping the amount of FO?


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what FO? Even if it's one from the sticky in this section that is supposed to work in soy doesn't mean that it will. Also, how long have you cured it? If you aren't getting a good cold throw, I don't think changing wick sizes is going to help greatly. Give us just a bit more info, and maybe we can help...

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I am using Caramel Apple. They cured for about 5 days before they started with the frost on the sides of the glass and about 3 days before I seen it on the tops. I am mixing my wax/FO for about 3 minutes or more too. I was using a metal spoon. Could that have had anything to do with it?

Doesn't matter because since I got my new man, I mean presto pot (not sure how I kept going without this sucker) I just went out and bought a plastic spoon, when I bought the coconut oil for the dang frost. :mad:


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I have a difficult time with some apple scents. MC has a caramel apple that throws pretty well, but I can't get a super strong throw with it either. Some have used ooey gooey caramel from candle cocoon mixed with ST's green or mac apple, but I haven't tried CC's FO to test this. If you jump over to the fragrance section, I think you'll find quite a bit about caramel apple. Karen Lynn was having a difficult time as well with this FO, I believe. Are your other FO's throwing well, both cold and hot?

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