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Nature of Zinc to flicker?

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Just wondering if anyone can get a zinc wick not to flicker? I have been testing, testing, testing and it seems to me that zincs just flicker. I have tested other wicks that don't flicker but keep coming back to zinc because it still seems to work the best even though it flickers. I am using J223 with 1.5 ounce fragrance. I do add Crisco but have tested the wax both ways, with and without it still flickers. I tried cutting fo load back but it still flickers, just didn't smell as good. Amount of dye doesn't seem to make a difference either. No smoking, great melt pool, wonderful hot throw..... it just flickers. What do you think?


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I am all hung up on a even steady flame and feel like I have failed because my wick flickers even though all the other aspects of the candle are working. Oh, I think I just need to lighten up. My customers have never commented on my flickery flame? OK, that sounds weird. I like the zinc wick the best so I don't know...is a flicker good or bad??? Technically I think it is suppose to be bad. :undecided

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I've used zinc's for 6yrs & am not familiar w/ a 'flicker problem'. I've bought zinc's from different suppliers & haven't found them to be equal in performance. I guess it's kinda like buying choc chip cookies ... just because it's the same product, all brands don't taste the same. I've had some duds in a pack & I've had a couple packs burn funky, but was able to track that back to Hurricane Katrina & probably a moisture issue. The only time I've seen my wicks flicker is when they were placed near an air vent or too close to a ceiling fan. My only guess would be that the wick's getting clogged by additives, dye or fo, but it sounds like you've tested for that. You may want to try a sample pack from a different supplier. I really like Peak's.


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Yes, I was thinking of maybe trying a different supplier. Thanks, that is a good tip. I was testing another one today in a candle with 1.5 ounce per pound of a strong fo and alot of dye and it seemed to be doing fine. Weird! Maybe some duds like you said.


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