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Pillar wax


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I'm looking for a pillar wax, tested a few but was not happy yet. Candlewic has a sale on 4144 and CBL 141. Anyone use any of these? And if so do you like them? Any comments? My money is running low to keep trying w/o any success. I'd appreciate your input, TIA....Dee

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I think the 4144 is a good straight paraffin (so use additives). I have not seen mine mottle (but its not supposed to). There is absolutely nothing wrong with using it as opposed to one of the IGI waxes as long as you keep shipping costs in mind. (I'm eventually going to do some real testing with the 4144 against the 3144, which is a lower meltpoint pillar wax of theirs of the same type - so at this point I can't recommend one over the other).

The 141 is a blend. I have not used it and won't simply because it is a blend. I would rather use additives to control how I want the wax to look. (However if the finish of it is what you want than you'd be crazy not to use a blend and save yourself time and money).

I'm pretty sure Candlewic would send you out a sample of these two waxes especially since they are there own (but they even sent me sample of the J waxes before).

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Dee.....I love Candlewic's waxes. I have used the CBL 141 for opaque pillars and it looks good and burns well. When I want a straight wax that I can control......IMO nothing that I have used beats the 4045 or 4045H. They both can be made to be opaque like the CBL 141 or they both mottle. The 4045H mottles more, but I can make the 4045 work fine for me. Neither of these waxes bulge for me. I don't have to "hug" my candles with these waxes. I used to use the CBL 141 for chunks and then one of the 4045's for the over pour. That gave me a contrast in color as the chunks were opaque and the outpour was more jewel tone. But.........something happened to the formula and the CBL 141 started rippling on the cookie sheets that I poured for the chunks. I had to heat gun them smooth before I could cut the chunks. I sent Bill a picture and he had no explanation except that the same formula was being used as far as he knew. When you make such huge batches it is hard to control the outcome. So then I started adding my own additives to the 4045 and 4045H and got a great product. I just liked using the blend to quickly make the chunks and I didn't have to measure any additives.....which really is no big deal....but I did have someone helping me that didn't understand additives so this was a no brainer for him. Only had to add color. You aren't that far from Pa......if you order four cases you can get the hundred pound weight discount from UPS. Saves a bunch.

Next time the 4045 is on sale I am going to bite the bullet and buy some and pay the outrageous shipping to ship across the country. I just miss my old wax and want it. I guess I could have it shipped to my daughter in Virginia and then when she comes to visit she could put it in her carry on. (smile)


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Hi Marsha,

I totally forgot about that one. I tried it a while ago and I was all set to love that wax, despite it being a blend and not too transparent, because it was sold in pellets! It does make beautiful-looking pillars, but unfortunately for some reason I had a hard time wicking it without having a large sidewall. Would you care to share a starting wick size/type for a 3" pillar if you remember?


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