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Hand Made Soap Saves Marraige


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My friend stopped for coffee today… and to pick up some more soap. She told me her husband loves the bay rum soap, that he had gone into the closet and thrown out all the commercial soap that was stored there. That didn’t surprise me, after I finally got my husband to try my soap he did the same. Then she told me that my soap has saved her marriage… ok… that popped my eyes!

Her husband sweats… not perspires… he sweats! Buckets. And according to her his sweat is particularly strong and acrid. She can’t abide the smell, and usually has to wash his work clothes two or three times to get them smelling fresh. But evenings, after dinner is done and he sits on the couch to watch tv and relax has been the problem. She has spent their married life finding things to do so she wouldn’t have to sit next to him, until he takes his shower and heads for bed.

She says that since he started using the handmade soap he still sweats but it is no longer the strong acrid sweat and now after dinner she joins him to relax, but they aren’t watching much tv… they are now planning their second honeymoon (they have been married almost 40 years).

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:whoohoo: that's as close as I could get to a whistle on here! LOL

Right on, I love to hear about couples that have been married for a long time and they're still well... you know.... *super banana* ROFLMAO

That is soooo cool Grandma (man I love saying that-I miss my grammie), that it's actually helping his problem, and bringing them closer.

She's gonna be buying soap by the case now isn't she? You'd better just go ahead and buy a bunch of Bay Rum and maybe some other manly type scents right now!

Bay Rum is totally yummy, it's an old time scent. She may like the Green Irish Tweed (I know I drool over it, and sometimes just dab a bit on my wrist so I can sniff myself! LOL) also, you should get that one.

I'm soooo excited for them, that's soooo cool!

I've been married almost 16 years (Friday), and I hope that me and my DH will be like that when we hit 40 years! :D

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Great story It's always hard to convince those people who say they always have to use deodorant soap brands.

That is so true, and my husband is one of them. Although he has been using the soap I've made for him with my own two loving hands for several weeks he still will say he needs a deodorant soap to feel clean. I just ask him if he's still using my soap, he looks surprised and says “yes, never mind, I forgot”. He’s such a guy.

I have noticed the bathtub always seems filthy now. Where I used to scrub it out ever 3 or 4 days I have to scrub it almost daily now. And I like tub baths to relax... with handmade (real) soap I have noticed the water gets scrungy looking fast. I know I'm not any dirtier now than when I was using commercial soap (probably a lot less dirty as I can bathe every day, some days 2 or 3 times, with out my skin blistering up) so the only explanation I can offer is real soap gets me cleaner. It cleans off all the oils, salts from sweat, dead skin cells and bacteria almost on contact. And it does it with out stripping the natural oils from my skin. You don’t need antibacterial chemicals (which are toxic) if you remove the food source that allows them to survive and multiply. As I see it, it’s as simple as that. And it does it with out clogging or otherwise interfering with my pores or my body’s ability flush other toxins out through my skin.

Yes, I have become a full fledged convert. I see and feel such a difference in not just my skin but in my health in general. I know that much of this is because I do have MCS but I believe it is also that I have eliminated a source of toxins from my life.

I have heard a lot of good about Green Irish Tweed. Where I have seen it available it’s been rather expensive though. I guess I’ll have to bite the bullet one day and cough the cash up! LOL

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