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Major sink holes in votives (melted and repoured commercial candle)


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I pulled out a large commercially made candle, melted it, and poured votives from it. The votives have these strange sink holes in them that I have not experienced with my candle making. What does this say about the wax they used? When I get back to the store I got this from, I'll get the name of the company if you guys are curious.



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It just looks like they were poured way way too hot.

That could be it as I did not check the temp. Since I wasn't adding FOs at a specific temp I skipped that step. I really was just experimenting with salvaging a chunk of candle that I really liked and might could give a second life.

Pam, you never know what experience someone else has had. Someone could pipe up and say "Oh yeah! That's EXACTLY what happened blah blah blah and it was caused by blah blah blah." Just asking so I could possibly learn something. :)

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I don't think the pouring temp. had anything to do with it. It definately looks like a paraffin wax that just needs a second pour. All my pillars look just like that the day after I pour them!! If you don't have any more of the wax left, just melt down one of the votives and top off the others. :cool2:

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