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I am a wanta be soaper and have been reading alot but havent started anything yet. The more I read the more questions I seem to come up with. So the first question is, can soap cure in the cold? Well in temps say under 60? Its starting to get chilly here and I dont usually use the heater in the house during the day as I work. So temps can stay pretty low. In the summer I can leave them outside but in winter? thanks in advance

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I would not recommend leaving soaps outside. The heat and sunlight can do some serious damage, breaking down the oils faster, leaving you with rancid soap.

I recommend cool, dry air for curing soaps. I never cure mine at temps below about 68-70*F, so I don't know how they'd do for you below that. But I generally have zero problems with rancidity in our cool, dry winters. The hot, humid summers are another story.

If your house is cool and DRY (low humidity), I'd think you could give it a whirl. You could turn them now and then when they're fresh to give all surfaces a chance to dry out thoroughly.

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