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Rebottling fo's


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I must totally suck at searching in this forum...maybe I use too much info? I'm sure this has been asked before, sorry:

Do you rebottle fo's that come in plastic to amber glass bottles?

I was on a supplier site that suggested doing this with fo's. They said they bottle in plastic to save on shipping charges. I've had only 2 that the plastic bottles were cheap, cheap and they collapsed and cracked, but for the most part have never had a problem. I do store in a dark, cool place.

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I get them in both plastic and amber bottles and so far have never changed the plastic ones for glass. Sounds like a good idea. But is it necessary?

I usually buy enough to last me several months but have always used them up in 6 months or less. Haven't noticed any changes in the oil left in the plastic.

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I think I remember reading here once that if you see your plastic bottles kind of 'sucking in' or collapsing, it's because the fo is evaporating out through the bottle. Not sure if that's true or not, but it made me check my bottles and sure enough some of them were 'sucking' :shocked2: With the expense of fo's it made me think twice about transferring them.

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I just ordered a bunch of amber glass bottles from Specialty Bottle the other day. I have quite a few of bottles that are "sucking" in and I don't want to lose any of that precious FO. :smiley2:

I went and checked through all my fo's again...just to be sure...and sure enough my Rootbeer is starting to suck in...better move it before it cracks! It's only maybe 2-3 months old. :( :( It's probably a good idea to at least get a few so if I see the bottles start to do that, I have something to transfer them into. I need to order more tins from SB also.

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I have seen a few plastic bottles start "sucking in", but the worse one I've seen do this is Freshly Squeezed Oranges" from NG. I had let (2) bottles sit unopened for 9 months (overstocked on this one..the crazy things I do to save on shipping...anyone out there give me an amen! (LOL). If shipping was free, I would never overbuy.

I know it was a full 16 oz. when I received it and last week when I checked them and weighed the bottles, almost 100 grams of FO had disappeared (sucked out) both of them. I couldn't believe it!. Other FO's from them have never evaporated like this one. So, yes, definitely, some FO's do this much more than others. If NG or other suppliers "cut" their FO's any, I am just wondering which part is actually evaporating. I can still smell the orange juice, though, but don't have a fresh bottle to compare to, so I am going to make a few tarts with this to find out how long they last.

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One I had that sucked in and cracked was an orange mix also. I don't remember which because I ended up throwing the whole thing away (prob should have taken it to haz mat??) Maybe it's the orange, but that doesn't really explain rootbeer starting to suck in..unless it has orange in it? I went ahead and ordered 12 bottles along with my tins (to save on shipping of course!!) Free shipping...I buy twice as much!!

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A sort of related bottling question:

I have a friend who wants some samples of FOs, but I'm out of small bottles and am not ordering more just to give out free (I will when I'm in need of more supplies). I have a bunch of little test tube looking vials that came with some health supplements in them that I'm thinking of cleaning and using instead, but I have no idea what kind of plastic these are. I'm debating on telling her to transfer them to other glass containers herself, but I suspect she won't bother. What would you do? Would you chance the test tubes anyway?

And speaking of test tubes, I wonder how inexpensive real glass test tubes with a cork on top would be compared to the dram bottles, cobalt and amber glass, etc. I usually get? I keep all my FOs in a dark room anyway. Hmmmm......


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A sort of related bottling question:

I have a friend who wants some samples of FOs, but I'm out of small bottles and am not ordering more just to give out free (I will when I'm in need of more supplies). I have a bunch of little test tube looking vials that came with some health supplements in them that I'm thinking of cleaning and using instead, but I have no idea what kind of plastic these are. I'm debating on telling her to transfer them to other glass containers herself, but I suspect she won't bother. What would you do? Would you chance the test tubes anyway?

And speaking of test tubes, I wonder how inexpensive real glass test tubes with a cork on top would be compared to the dram bottles, cobalt and amber glass, etc. I usually get? I keep all my FOs in a dark room anyway. Hmmmm......


Didn't check prices, but I did notice when I was placing my order that Specialty Bottle has the glass vials with corks. I was looking for 1 oz plastic containers from them, but they didn't have them. The 2 oz glass were too expensive to use (both the cost of the glass and shipping them.)

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Guest Candelishis

I have an orange vanilla scent that I use and it is always sucking in. So I marked the oil level on the bottle, and left it alone for a couple weeks, and it sucked in again, and I opened it up so the bottle would "unsuck". The oil level was the same as the line I drew before, so it didn't evaporate, at least not noticeable. Must be a citrus thing since that is what so many are noticing...

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Aroma Haven uses the clear hard plastic PET (polyethlyene) with #1 on the bottle. I have wondered if the #1 will retain the scent over a period of time even though they don't "suck in".

(They ship these in the 16 oz size)

I could be dreaming here...but I think I read somewhere that the hard plastic pet bottles don't change your fo, it's the soft bags and cello bags that you have to be careful with. I haven't had problems with any except the clear plastic, even the white plastic holds up well, and honestly not that many in the clear have done this. What really surprises me is how quickly it happens when it does, some fo's only 2 months old...of course I don't know how long they were in the bottles at the supplier.:(

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Aroma Haven uses the clear hard plastic PET (polyethlyene) with #1 on the bottle. I have wondered if the #1 will retain the scent over a period of time even though they don't "suck in".

(They ship these in the 16 oz size)

I have some FO that is at least six months old stored in the #1 bottles and have not noticed any loss of scent so far.

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