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Anyone deal with Dunst & Bradstreet?


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They contacted me with a line that someone pulled my business credit report and that it is incomplete. For $299.00 (to cover the cost of paperwork) I can complete my report. This will then be what my creditors see when I apply for credit instead of my personal report. It's a way to keep business separate from personal as far as credit ratings. Has anyone paid the $299 and gone through with this. I was wondering if anyone else has been contacted and should I, or even, do I need to follow up with this?

Thanks for any info, anyone can give me.


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Twice. The first time I tried to log in to their site using the code given in the letter. But when it started asking all kinds of personal information, I decided to cancel out of it. When I got the 2nd letter, I just ignored it. They're probably legit, but I just don't like giving out this kind of personal information.

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Hi Tracy

Well if it is Dun & Bradstreet then the company is kosher. For years and years they have been setting the credit ratings for all the big companies. Years ago I did a stint working as a temp for a London Bank and we regularly had to check what the Dun & Bradstreet score was before they would loan any money out to firms.

Other than that I'm not too sure how they contact companies but if the letter is genuine then there's no problems in you actually contacting them to find out more. If it turns out to be a scam then all you've lost is the price of a phone call.

There are some very, very clever scammers out there. A genuine representitive will never object to you checking them out.

Remember, if you ever get a letter, phone call or email that's a bit fishy, check it out yourself by getting hold of the said companies details and contacting them direct. It's the best way of dealing with fraudsters.


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You should never have to pay anyone to fix your credit report.

Once a year you can request a free copy of your report from all 3 reporting agencies. Check it for discrepencies, if you find any you can fix it right thru the reporting agency. You really need to get all 3 reports too, even though they get all the same info from the Credit Bureau they always seem to be a bit different.

The only thing you can't get for free is your FICO score...I think it's usually $9.95 from each agency. Like your credit report the FICO score can vary from agency to agency. It's worth getting it from at least one if you are planning any major purchase in the near future.


PS..yes Dun & Bradstreet is for real. We use them at work.

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Ruby, it is true that this is a legit company. It does strike me as odd though, how they said someone pulled my credit report and it was incomplete ( the letter I received had the same wording as Tracy's). Why would anyone request our credit report? Wouldn't it only happen if you applied for a bank loan or a line of credit, or if you applied for credit terms with a supplier? Other than that, is there any reason for a customer or anyone else to request your credit report? I've never done anything (e.g. applying for a loan or credit) which would require someone pulling my report, which is why I was so suspicious.

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It's a load of crap!! Yes they are legit, but the rest of their spiel is still crap!! They contact my boss AT LEAST 10 times a year to get him to buy and we keep telling them to take us off their list and not to call again and they totally ignore our requests. You do not need them to update anything for your credit and that line about someone pulling up your business line of credit is bogus. I have repeatedly asked them who exactly checked into the company's credit and I never get the name of anyone, just the run around. Don't waste your money!! :cool2:

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You do not need them to update anything for your credit and that line about someone pulling up your business line of credit is bogus. I have repeatedly asked them who exactly checked into the company's credit and I never get the name of anyone, just the run around.
Strange that a bona fide company would resort to such practices. Chris, I agree there's no need for me to update anything. After all, for my personal credit report, I never updated anything and still managed to apply for loans and stuff. If you're getting the run around, then it shows no one actually asked for your credit report, which was my suspicion exactly as I hadn't done anything which would cause someone to pull my report.
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They drive me nuts!! I've gotten now when I hear their name on the phone, I just hang up. I really wish you could put business phones on the no call list, it would save me from answering the phone so much for telemarketers/crap!! :D Every time the office phone rings, I ask my boss if he's sure HE doesn't want to answer it......he laughs, but I'm serious!! :tongue2:

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A few months ago, I started getting a lot of those calls. The guy kept telling me that noone would issue me "credit" if I didn't have a D&B number. I told him for now, that was fine. If I got that big that I need credit issued to me, I deal with getting a D&B number then. :undecided

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Trish, now that you mention it, I've gotten several such calls too, though I can't remember if it's the same company as what we've been talking about. And yes, they also told me no one will issue me credit if I my record was incomplete. At that point, I just hung up since I wasn't needing any credit. After all, I always pay for my supplies right away when I order them.

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You know, some years ago, lets see 1987 I think it was, I had a retail store and I applied for a D&B number because all the vendors I delt with required it. It was free to get the number. Now, I have to pay $400, $800 and blah blah.

Same with personal credit. Years ago it was TRW and you could get your report for free anytime, now I get one a year and have to pay for any others. And they say we are not a communist country but we sure are controlling of what is so called OURS!

All you ever hear is, encourage and support the little guy trying to make it. Yeah right, support what, little companies can't get business loans, can't get a D&B number, can't get SH*T.

I want to know, if someone inquired about my D&B report, how did they do that if they didn't have a number. According to the guy when I spoke to him, he said....your company will be like a dead issue if you don't have a number to give for inquiries. REALLY!

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Do you know what it sounds like to me? It sounds like they are desperate for business. Maybe these sales reps are on commission or something. So many credit companies try to scare you into thinking that you won't be able to get credit. Don't they read the financials? Everyone is having problems because of too much credit.

I know so many people here in the UK, and it must be a similar story over in the US, who are mortgaged up to the hilt, have shed loads of credit cards and extra loans and they are all filing for bankruptcy. The last thing they need is more bloody credit!! In fact, they're sick to death of it.

We are beginning to see a credit backlash. How long will it be before these credit companies go bust. I think these reps know that the writing is on the wall and their jobs are in the balance. They're clutching at straws here and trying to use scare tactics on the small fry because they're easy targets.

As for company's who say that they can fix your credit report for a fee. It's a load of rubbish! You don't need to pay them to do anything cos you can do it yourself for free.

Sorry to rant but these people really get my goat, they're nothing more than parasites!!

Going to think happy thoughts now.


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Ruby, what you said makes sense. It had been puzzling me as to why a bona fide company would send me letters with false information (the part about someone pulling my credit report and finding the information incomplete). I mean, that is almost like a scam, isn't it? They're trying to get me to buy something by tricking me into it. By the way, your penguin in cute. Reminds me of the penguin candy bars I ate when I visited UK, hee hee.

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Yeah, I meant Dun & Bradstreet.:o In no way related to Kirsten.

They actually do a credit report for businesses, which has nothing to do with your personal credit report, so the "3" reporting agencies aren't for your business, just your personal.

They actually called me. He gave me my D&B number, he just wants me to send in $299 to complete my report, so when "whoever" inquires, it will be complete.

I thought it was something I didn't really need. Not a scam, but unnecessary.

Thanks for all the replies. Sorry to get back in here after so many posts, I've been busy. You've all helped me decide.



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I did a very temporary stent with dun and bradstreet about 11 yrs ago-when i was barely 20 and barely making it. They hire people with no skills and not a lot of other options and they give them a call list and they push them to make a sale-people lose jobs if can't get the numbers. They get commission off of selling the products.

I would definitely try and get on the no call list and not bother with them.

I left after a short stent with a bad taste in my mouth!!!

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