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If you could only order from one FO supplier...


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Hi guys, I'm really itching to order some more FOs but there are so many suppliers out there I get dizzy. Funds are limited so I'm really nervous about trying new suppliers but I want to try a new one...so if you could only order from one supplier what would it be? Which one has the more <<hits>> for you? For me it would be Nature's Garden, I have bought tons and not once got one I didn't like at least a little bit. I have a few <<must haves FOs>> from a couple of places but I would love to find another supplier that has lots of <<hits>> for me. Help me please! Let me know what your all-time favorite FO supplier is! :) Thanks!

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I almost posted this exact same question the other day when I was trying to clear my own confusion over so many suppliers! I eventually thought "Nah, no way anybody can pick just one." :D

If I had to, I might could stick with just The Candle Source or maybe Day-Star.

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I have been thinking the same thing myself...........I wish there was 1 supplier that had it all, but I don't think there is such a thing! I keep saying I'm going to cut down because of shipping cost, but it's hard too! I have a lot of suppliers and they each have a certain oil I like better than somebody elses!!!!

I'm guessing Bitter Creek would be my pick they have the largest selection and good strong oils! Plus they carry my jars too!


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I guess for me it would have to be Candle Science...great service...fast shipping and most all their oils work for me! :cool2: but I do have to give honorable mentions to The Candle Source and Peak...I would still buy from them so I guess there is no way I could use just one...lol

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Never in a million years could I limit myself to one supplier. :D

If I was using 100% soy wax I would say KY Candle Supply.

But since I don't use 100% soy...I use a blend...I would have to say either The Candlemaker's Store (Steve's), TN Candle, Aroma Haven, Candlewic's Ultimate line (I'm having great success with scents I've been testing in my blend), and Fragrance Oil Heaven. I recently tested a few from Daystar and all have been great. Of course KY's are excellent in my wax since her Perfect Blend is 70% of my blend.

Maggie :cool2:

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I'm in the same boat, wanting to try some other fo suppliers, (thecandlesource being one of them).

I can honestly say that so far my all time favorite fo supplier is Candlescience. I like every one of their scents that I have tried and I've been very successful with HT results in my 415 pure soy.

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Ky:D Vicki rocks and her customer service is the best out there and great oils!

I love soycandle.com:D they also have excellent customer service and awesome oils!

Then alabaster, they have an arrange of fo to choose from and i love their version of amish harvest:drool: !

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That's easy for me. Peaks! Hands down! :)

I 2nd peaks especially for FO. But love the wax at GL and a lot of their FO are very unique and complex. Those are the 2 main suppliers I use other than occationally TC (only because hubby works 5 min. from there and can pick up my supplies when I need them that day). I'm lucky enough to have a lot of local suppliers that I could use without shipping but damn Peaks has awesome FO plus they give a discount on quanity which usually covers my shipping cost.

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