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Went to Fillmore Containers Yesterday...


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I just happened to be in Pennsylvania near Lancaster so I stopped by Fillmore Containers to check them out. They are situated right in the middle of Amish country and I had to wind my way thru a lot of rural farm country to find them. Absolutely beautiful homes and farms. I just love Amish country.

Anyway, since Fillmore recently added fragrance oils I wanted to stop by and take a peek. So I went right into the showroom and started sniffing the bottles on display.

They have a receptionist that calls for a rep to work with you. So a rep comes out to help me and she is dressed in Amish garb. Too cute!

So I ended up taking home a half dozen samples.

I have to report thou that I was impressed with what they had so far. They also package in the glass amber bottles and even thou I was picking them up on the spot they were carefully wrapped and padded so even a goof like me couldn't break em.

I got the:

Tuberose & Jasmine (great for my M&P)

Irish Moss (love this!!)

Butterscotch Brulee (can't wait to put this in wax!)

Cederwood (heavenly! a warm woody aromatic cedar)

Peach Preserves (smells like a jar of peach preserves - yummy!)

Cocoa Therapy (OMG I LOVE THIS! gonna put it in my M&P soap - its a cocoa powder smell not a chocolate bar or brownie smell - would be great to make a 'hot chocolate' type fragrance out of it)

I also loved their Daffodil. Smells like the real thing. But I will wait to get this next spring.

My rep told me they are getting their Christmas oils in next month. So I am glad they will be adding more to their line. They are by far the closest supplier to me. I can drive out there so I am so excited to try their oils.

Just wanted to share.

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Now I'm really depressed - I was that close! :cry2: I just passed through Lancaster on Hwy 30 last Saturday. Wow, what a missed opportunity!

I almost didn't make it myself. It was tucked away real good. Got so gawldang lost not sure how I found them. You really do have to drive thru twisting back roads and farmlands to get there.

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Sorry I don't remember the gingerbread oil in particular but ALL of their oils smelled great OOB. The only one I found that I didn't care for was the Amish Friendship Bread. Smelled like medicine to me OOB.

Kinda funny being the only off fragrance and them being in Amish country. :D

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I almost didn't make it myself. It was tucked away real good. Got so gawldang lost not sure how I found them. You really do have to drive thru twisting back roads and farmlands to get there.

Awe come on......it's not that bad. J/K

They aren't too far from me...last time I was there I think it was December.

I think the worst part of the drive is leaving their building and that left turn at the stop sign. You can't see if someone is coming up that hill to the right.

I really need to get back there and sniff their fragrances. Will wait till they get their Christmas oils in stock.

They are the nicest people...and did you notice how spotless the whole place is?

Maggie :cool2:

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LOL It doesn't take much for me to get lost. But the drive thru the local area was so beautiful! Its so rural I almost ran into a kitten playing in the street. Saw some horse drawn buggies and lots of people in Amish garb riding bicycles about.

Very spotless showroom! Very nice reception. Maggie, they told me the Christmas scents would be in next month so you may want to plan your trip then. Nice to know they also carry my glassware. Now if they would only carry wicks, dyes,...

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