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Wow, you guys have me grining ear to ear. I expected to hear, OMG, 16, you need to just stop right now. I expected to be told that I was incapable of doing the things that I am doing because of my age. I guess I could tell you all my name, I am Adam. I am still in school, lol. My day goes pretty much like this. Wake up, go to school. Get home from school at 3:20. Go to work, my candle business is not considered work, btw, its considered my passion at this point, then, I get home around 7:30. After this, if I have schoolwork that needs to be done, I do that. The rest of the night, until about 11:30, I spend here on candletech, working on mywebsite, working on products, etc.


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God knows if you are sixteen, or whatever, your story seems to change more often than many people change their socks. But if you are 16, congratulations on putting together a business of some sort. What I do have problems with, is all the different stuff you are offering: candles, soap, lotions, b&b, t-shirts, jewellery, jam, jellies as well as being a "supplier", and you say you are still in school. There is no way that you can do all this stuff well, in your spare time. The old saying about "jack of all trades and master of none" holds true in many instances. You can't be selling any amount of anything because you haven't got the time to do it. Saying that you know the shirts will sell because you made 3 and one sold...that's hardly a gauge of how they will sell. I'd suggest on cutting down the number of different itmes you sell, and concentrate on doing just a few of them well.

And yes, from the little I've looked, you do seem to offer things for sale first and then do the testing afterwards. All we ever seem to hear from you is "I've taken it off my site". You put things on, people from here point stuff out, and then you take it off. Why don't you slow down a bit, and be a little more selective with what goes on.

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I agree with all the stuff you sell. You are going to burn out and burn out fast and hard :). Take a step back and see which direction you want to go in and stick with that for a little bit. I would love to have a whole slew of products on my site but I know that I can not offer them right now so my poor site is a bit pitiful with only 4 products..2 types of mp soap (silk & shea and aloe & olive oil), lotion bars, and my little chunky wax melts. I also only at the moment offer 1 fo and actually only 8 eo blends (I posted 9 earlier but I can't count too well obviously rofl)! I am working within in my means and feel maybe that would be good for you as well! Meaning, I not only do the b&b part but I also have 4 children with 3 of them still at home - 2 being in school and 1 being 17 months, I work 12 hour shifts every saturday and every other sunday as a nurse, I bake pet treats AND I am the 3rd VP of our elementary school's PTA. So I know I am overwhelmed atm which is why I only have a few scents and a few products :)

Speaking on the jams/jellies, it is ok to ask someone you think is a professional in the matter but you have to remember, they themselves may not know the appropriate thing. It is always better to check within your state, city and county first to get the EXACT info that you need!

If you want to do shirts then that is fine as it is your choice, but I do agree with having a superior product to put out to test your market. I'm not saying they are bad, but you can tell they need some tweaking.

I just say that if you really are who you are saying (I am still a bit confused cause reading past posts I understood that you were a grown woman) then I think it is great you enjoy what you are doing. I still say cut it down quite a bit and you will see even better sales with what you are doing! You have great ideas but putting them ALL out could be a disaster. I have tons and tons of ideas rolling through my head, lots of products and scents that I would love to add, but don't as I know it is something a bit beyond my reach and means atm :)

Keep up the spirit!


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A link for your perusal: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49431

In it, southern scents says that the myspace stating age of 16 is her son's. So... is this a guy? A girl? Many, many lies told throughout the time southern scents has been posting. I daresay that those of you patting the back of southern scents wouldn't be so nice if not for the 'i'm only 16, and look what I've done!' In one thread, southern scents claimed that his/her first business was an electronics store that was closed after 10 years so that he/she could open a restaurant. I smell a rat, and I smell manipulation.

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A link for your perusal: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49431

In it, southern scents says that the myspace stating age of 16 is her son's. So... is this a guy? A girl? Many, many lies told throughout the time southern scents has been posting. I daresay that those of you patting the back of southern scents wouldn't be so nice if not for the 'i'm only 16, and look what I've done!' In one thread, southern scents claimed that his/her first business was an electronics store that was closed after 10 years so that he/she could open a restaurant. I smell a rat, and I smell manipulation.

Ooooohhhh, I missed the part of the thread you linked to where he (or she) said that she was a grown woman. Huh. Interesting.

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I have lied about who I am. I did so for fear of not being...accepted I guess. It hard for people to accept guys, much less 16 yo, who make B&B and candles. I have kind of made a habit of it on here which I know is truly bad. I as the 16 yo guy I truly am did once own an electronics website. Not for ten years but for two. I did sell it in hopes to open a resturaunt which is what my mother was planning to do. She then went back to college to get her masters and that all went down the drain. I was lookng for something new to do and came upon this. This is what I have been doing since. I have earned myself a bad name upon here by trying to cover up my ture age and I wish I never would have done such. Ask your self this, which is easier for you to accept, a 30-40 yo woman who has a sucessful candle business or a 16 yo guy? I have made some VERY VERY stupid mistakes but I have and will learn from them.

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I have lied about who I am. I did so for fear of not being...accepted I guess. It hard for people to accept guys, much less 16 yo, who make B&B and candles. I have kind of made a habit of it on here which I know is truly bad. I as the 16 yo guy I truly am did once own an electronics website. Not for ten years but for two. I did sell it in hopes to open a resturaunt which is what my mother was planning to do. She then went back to college to get her masters and that all went down the drain. I was lookng for something new to do and came upon this. This is what I have been doing since. I have earned myself a bad name upon here by trying to cover up my ture age and I wish I never would have done such. Ask your self this, which is easier for you to accept, a 30-40 yo woman who has a sucessful candle business or a 16 yo guy?

Neither, if they both lie.

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Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), is a condition whereby a single individual evidences two or more distinct identities or personalities, of perceiving and interacting with the environment. The diagnosis requires that at least two personalities routinely take control of the individual's behavior and that there is associated memory loss that goes beyond normal forgetfulness. :2cents:

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We have had young kids on here before that we have helped and we have accepted them with ease we also have had other pretending to be young that we found out that we where being conned. It didn't go well for them I personally feel you are trying to con us. This is my personal feelings.

Now as Mod to everyone please do not get out of hand with this thread I would hate to shut down or have to remove this thread.

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Trust is a viable yet fragile thing. Sometimes easily given, practically impossible to truly regain. I think it's a good thing if you're telling the truth now. That does not mean that I would ever.... EVER... believe anything you ever say. I sincerely doubt that you had a website for electronics for two years when you've been here for almost a year (and still 16, lol)... that would make you, and it's been proven that my mathematical skills kind of suck, so bear with me, an electronics seller from the ages of 13 to 15?

As for you being proud of the number of products you offer.... quality over quantity. Someone else said jack of all trades, master of none. You are like a flag being whipped by the wind. You jump to a new project before perfecting your current one. But, it's your product... not mine... what you do doesn't reflect on me, except to make consumers wary of homemade products. I maintain the faith that a larger percentage of the general population can discern shoddy from quality... fingers crossed...

uhoh... quick! tell me if I need to delete my post!

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I am not trying to con anyone, shall I post a pic of my Drivers License, without my DL number of course. I DID own an electronics business. The website was gracelectronics.com. I was 13 when I started. I thinks its kind of hard for you guys to see a 16 yo carrying many quality products just because you cant or have not done such or you do not know anyone who has.

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Your age is not the problem it is your lies that are. I do know what a young person can accomplish which can be a lot of things amazingly enough. Coming clean after this long of time is good but I personally will never trust anything you have to say because after so many lies I do not know what is the truth and what is fiction.

As hard as you are pushing to get us to believe you now is just making me more suspicious that the real truth has not come out yet. Don't push so hard to be accepted that will happen over time and over time most will forgive you the lies you have told.

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This has NOTHING to do with your age or being male or female. You have consistently taken advantage of people who had a genuine interest in seeing your business succeed, regardless if you were male/female, 16 or 61. My 9 year old niece sells melt-n-pour soap at craft shows, so it can be done, but not once did she lie, etc. Do you realize the marketing advantages you had if you had been honest? You tried to scam people. Don't be foolish enough to put your driver's license information on the internet--that's careless.

People from day one told you to slow down, test your products, you products need improvement, etc. and it was all constructive criticism and for your own good. You claim your county knows you and respects you--don't lie to them. That's the best piece of advice I can offer to you. On subject, I think you t-shirts look like a camp project and the iron-on will start to crack as you wash them. Find a good graphics screen printer (or whatever they are called), find quality t-shirts and go with it. You should produce YOUR best quality product EACH and EVERY time.

P.S. A sincere apology would probably help you regain some sort of respect.

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This has NOTHING to do with your age or being male or female. You have consistently taken advantage of people who had a genuine interest in seeing your business succeed, regardless if you were male/female, 16 or 61. My 9 year old niece sells melt-n-pour soap at craft shows, so it can be done, but not once did she lie, etc. Do you realize the marketing advantages you had if you had been honest? You tried to scam people. Don't be foolish enough to put your driver's license information on the internet--that's careless.

People from day one told you to slow down, test your products, you products need improvement, etc. and it was all constructive criticism and for your own good. You claim your county knows you and respects you--don't lie to them. That's the best piece of advice I can offer to you. On subject, I think you t-shirts look like a camp project and the iron-on will start to crack as you wash them. Find a good graphics screen printer (or whatever they are called), find quality t-shirts and go with it. You should produce YOUR best quality product EACH and EVERY time.

I wasn't gonna put my full DL , just my pic and birthdate, Im not totally ignorant,lol. I did not lie to anyone period until I got on here. I appologize for lying.I made a stupid mistake and truly regret such. The iron on transfer wont crack, I searched and bought some that guarenteed that they would not. I have already found a screen printer and will get some shirts printed when funds have accumulated enough to do such. Thanks

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Gosh,,, I'm concerned now for the parents of this young person.....

My children were young, made products and in business with me, therefore my insurances covered the products they made, ie: incense, sachet cards, potpourri etc, as they were blanketed by my business insurance.

Is your business insured and are you collecting sales tax, etc?

And, if your products cause harm etc to a customer,, who get's sued or who does the IRS seek if the right taxes have not been paid?? The parent??

Interesting thoughts as they are your legal guardian, they are aware of your business and they are responsible for you and your actions.

I do think quality products can be made by young people, however, lets make sure they are quality and not made from instructions, never tested and then put on the market. I mean,, kids all over the country have had paper routes, lawn mowing jobs, babysitting jobs etc for years,,, and have designed their own small businesses... These types of businesses are usually service orientated. You are manufacturing product for a consumer to use,,,this is a horse of a different color now...

Please make sure there are not some legal liabilities your family may have to incure should something go wrong with the sale of a product, especially one that has not been tested for longevity, allergy etc.

I'm glad you had the chance to check out the Mississippi food codes. As you can see they are strict in how foods are processed and sold to consumers....

Have you tested your food recipes?? How long have you let your jams and jellies set canned on shelves to make sure molding or botulism in the recipes does not occur. Have you checked the acidity level to make sure it's below 4.6 for safe consumption.

Good luck in the future and please , please make sure anything you sell to the public has been tested,, not just once, but many times to make sure you offer the best and safest product you can, to the public.

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My post on this got deleted last night, although it was straight to the point and was considered rude. One of the clique discloses something is fishy here and now everyone believes it.

Truer words never spoken

I have to say that I admire your entrepreneurial spirit. I can't really offer you any advice on your business...I don't have a clue what I am doing

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All legalities such as tax and insurance are worked out. Legally, I cannot own the business, I am too young for the insurance and tax info so all of this is under my mothers name. The jams and jellies have been being made for years. My great grandfather passed them down. He once grew and sold cane sugar and made these jam and jellie reicipes using his own sugar. I of course don't make my own sugar but the jams and jellies have been tested throught out many years. Either way, I am going to have to work on the legalities of selling the jam and jellies so they have been pulled from my shelves.

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I don't believe this for a minute! You come on here stating it was your 'son' in the beginning doing the posting, then you continue to post 'supposedly as an adult woman' now you are back to saying you are a 16 year old MALE? Wow! I don't buy it for a minute, for one your typing does not reflect a 16 year old, you have a website that is so feminine with absolutely NOTHING masculine at all-that alone makes me believe you are lying! I don't believe even the most feminine boy/man would prefer their products and website to reflect that much femininity..nope..nada! I believe you are a fraud! But if you truly are a 16 year old I really think CT should be checking into the liabilities they may be liable for with a MINOR conducting business through their forum. What happens when some lurking weirdo makes contact with this minor through his advertised website here and something happens to this minor-will CT be liable?

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