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Lightboxes for poor people...


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...like me! This will definitely come in handy for product photos. I'm (or rather, DH by proxy) planning to make one of these, so just thought I'd share :D



There's also how to make a poor man's tripod :laugh2:


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I made my own light box using an empty cardboard box. I cut out the front and painted it with a white ultra light semi gloss paint I already had in my garage. Didn't cost me a thing. Works great! It's amazing what you can do when you are on a tight budget.

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I mentioned on the temp board that my husband picked me up the kit from walmart (49 something dollars) and it comes with tripod, lights, well everything and I have to say it's one of the best investments I've made. Plus, I suck at coming up with making things on my own lol

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I mentioned on the temp board that my husband picked me up the kit from walmart (49 something dollars) and it comes with tripod, lights, well everything and I have to say it's one of the best investments I've made. Plus, I suck at coming up with making things on my own lol

I so know what you mean... that's why DH has the honor! :D

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Where did he find the kit at Wal-Mart?

It was in the section where the cameras are, back where you can turn film in, or put your memory card in and print your own pics etc. He said in our store, it was right beside where there were some cases for cameras and camera equipment.

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  • 1 month later...
I mentioned on the temp board that my husband picked me up the kit from walmart (49 something dollars) and it comes with tripod, lights, well everything and I have to say it's one of the best investments I've made. Plus, I suck at coming up with making things on my own lol

I can't seem to make mine white enough. It did NOT come with a white background?!?!

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