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pumpkin souffle

Lightning Bug

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Put this on the temporary forum, but now it's back up, so...Anyone tried Candle Science's new Pumpking Souffle (not sure I spelled that right, but to lazy to check)? I am still looking for a scent that really smells like pumpkin pie (not just the spices) and one that really smells like apple pie. Many seem sort of artificial to me...lol...of course they are, duh! TIA. Beth

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I just got a sample of this fragrance from CS over the weekend, it smells pretty good oob. I am going to make some votives in the next couple of days and test them to see how they smell. I hope I don't get the burnt smell that I've been seeing in alot of reviews from others on this board. :undecided Hopefully in Ecosoya PB I won't get the burnt smell...wish me luck!!

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I am still looking for a scent that really smells like pumpkin pie (not just the spices) and one that really smells like apple pie. Many seem sort of artificial to me...lol...of course they are, duh! TIA. Beth

For a great apple pie fo try Peaks Warm Apple Pie. I've had good luck with it in the past and it smells just like the real thing, it makes me want to get a scoop of vanilla ice cream to put on the side!!:D

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Here's my post from the temp forum:

Ok, I burned the pumpkin souffle from CS yesterday after a week of curing in pure soywax and let me tell ya, ICK! It doesn't have a very pleasant scent at all. I kept going up to it and waving my hand over the candle to get better whiffs of the scent and I kept smelling a burnt smell, almost like a burnt hair smell! Not a good scent at all. But the cranberry marmalade is to die for!

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I didn't try the CS pumpkin Souffle but I tried Fillmores. The OOB reminded me of Backwoods Grammys Yummy Punkin. But when I poured it into my wax 415 it smelled totally different. It smelled odd. I haven't burnt it yet though.

I have tried JS Pumpkin Bread which is sweet, when lit I don't smell pumpkin at all.

JS Pumpkin Nog, smells good. You can smell the pumpkin with a little spice in it.

JS Pumpkin Cheesecake, smells like pumpkin and vanilla throw was good.

Peaks Sweet Pumpkin Pie, didn't appeal to me oob or in wax. Threw well though.

C&S Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin, didn't appeal to me oob or in wax.

SOS (Ultimate) Pumpkin Pie, oob and in wax, I really liked this one, testers seemed to think it was a nice Pumpkin Pie.

SOS (ultimate) Pumpkin Pie Sweet it smells exactly like NG's Pumpkin Pie like a dull pumpkin smell if that makes any sense.

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I bought a sample of pumpkin souffle from CS and it has been curing for four days..I lit it this morning and already blew it out! It definately smells burnt..The burnt hair smell someone said earlier is dead on.I am so glad I didn't get a larger bottle..Looks like alot of other companies have this same NEW oil on their sites as well..Not a good pumpkin scent in my opinion..Why is it SO hard to find a pumpkin pie,sugar cookie & gingerbread that throws and smells true??I have just about given up on trying to find these oils..Not really,but you would think these different suppliers would come up with these three scents sooner or later....that actually smell good and strong and are true to their names...Karen~

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Tennessee Candle Supplies has a new "pumpkin souffle" that I am burning in my kitchen as I type, it smells soooo good. I use paraffin :)

I have been testing TCS - pumpkin souffle and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it but haven't been able to get it wicked. I have gone up 3 sizes without luck and for now have put it on the back burner (so to speak) while testing others. I use a parasoy blend - may I ask what wick choice you selected?

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After I quit burning it I could still smell it and others commented that it was nice and not just the typical thick spice scent you get from most pumpkin candles. I really like it and would have to say it's my favorite pumpkin that I have tested so far. However, some people do like that heavy spice scent so I think I might make a spicy one as well. I am usualy the first if not the only one to pick up on something odd in an FO and I really don't with the one from CS. Funny how all sniffers are different:) !

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love it, i don't detect any burnt smell either.

wax-gb415 pure soy

fo-1oz. pp.

orange & brown liquid dye

12 sided jar, 60 cotton wick (maybe need to go down a wick size. just testing)

let cure for 4 days. awesome throw. a definate keeper.

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