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packaging & mailing fragrance oils


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If they are plastic bottles, I usually use electrician tape to tape around the caps. This usually keeps the lids secure. If they are glass, I usually wrap the bottle in bubble wrap. Make sure to also add padding in any nooks and crannies in the box so that the bottles don’t roll around. Place them right side up and not on their side if possible. If I am shipping in a flat rate priority box, I place them in there at a 90 degree angle with padding holding them up, so that I can close the top but they don’t fall flat.

This isn’t really professional type packaging, but I don’t sell fragrance oils retail, just to other members on this board through the classys.

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I have vacuum packed some and you have to be really careful because in the plastic bottles the vacuum tends to colapse the bottle too! Some came out ok and others not! Now I just tape up the caps on plastic bottles and put them in a zip lock. I've received some from suppliers that leaked a little, but not enough to worry...just makes the box smell good!!

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