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What's your opinion of ordering FOs when the temp is so HOT?

Judy, USMC

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Do you think temps in the high 90's will affect the oils?

Ordered some 1 pounders. It shipped from the midwest on Monday and due to be delivered Thursday. Today (Wednesday) it topped out over 100 and I'm afraid it will get extremely hot in the big Dark Brown truck. Even more afraid since I'm one of the last stops on the route. So I went to the UPS center here and asked that they intercept it for Will Call which is in the air conditioned part of the building.

Is this a wise move - or am I making 2 trips to UPS for nothing? :confused:

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I don't think the heat will effect it as long as it's out of the light (in box should be fine.) Think about it your adding it to 170+ degree wax and it doesn't effect it. I should have said for a short period of time, like 3-4 days!

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I don't think the heat will effect it as long as it's out of the light (in box should be fine.) Think about it your adding it to 170+ degree wax and it doesn't effect it. I should have said for a short period of time, like 3-4 days!

OK, sounds logical to me now! Thanks for this explanation.

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I have some FO I got over 6 years ago that I obviously need to get rid of (since I haven't used them up in this length of time they obviously aren't good sellers) but they are still in good order. My scents are kept in my warehouse which is a metal building. Our heat index has been around 115° last week. But it's true what was previously said, if you pour it into 175° and up this heat wave is nothing. The only problem I do have is when suppliers use those cheap bottles and they do the "sucky" thing and sometimes the plastic splits.

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I keep a supply of PET bottles here and transfer my FO's to those bottles from certain suppliers. If I didn't like the scents so much, I wouldn't bother lol It is just an option for those who don't like the bottles they come in but love the scents.


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