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Walmart votive


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Walmart has some of their Christmas candles out. I brought a votive(glass).Came home to light and decided to put it in the bathroom because I had a twigs and berries on candle warmer.After burning for a half hour my husband walks in and I told him about the candle in bathroom.Well we opened the bathroom door and the flame was high.I did not tell hubby where it came from.He said you did something wrong and you need to change.I then said I got it a Wal Mart.He washed his hands and the more he and I looked at it we decided to blow it out.The flame was unreal.High and also blowing and no breeze.Kinda spooky/dangerous.The flame was almost 6 inches or more.I thought it was going to die down after getting started but it didn't.I don't think I will light it again.Pretty but very dangerous.


I wonder how they ever get these candles that are that way.I guess they just order and don't care how they burn.

I would tell you to get one and see but don't want to be the bad person if something happened.I'm serious it wasn't good.A BIG fire hazard.

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LOL my first batch i went to craftstore got huge containers who knows what wax and some long wicks....Burned a hole right down the center...I immediatly realized I needed help it started to sink in that you obviously cant just throw some wax & wicks in a container and have a candle. I mean a tunnel down the middle like you shot a hole in it.

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I did not measure but all I know the flame was shooting high.Enough for us to be uncomfortable letting it burn one more minute.Went straight up like shooting and then came to a point at the top.After a half hour way to long for a flame not to go down.I was really afraid of a fire.

The only time when I do not trim my wick my flame goes a couple inches And after a couple seconds goes down and stays down. I complain but when my husband says blow that thing out he is nervous.Believe me I am more nervous of these things than him.

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Hummm, 6 inch flame? I dont get a 6 inch flame from my blow torch! LOLTwo index fingers long is about 6 inches so im thinking that might not be the right height.Don't worry though, most women dont know measures very well cause their boy friends or hubbys have brain washed them by "showing" them how much 12 inches is... when its really like 4 or 5 inches..... LOLBruce

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Well after living through a house fire I sure would not burn something like that candle.No name on it so I guess made just for them.

I was amazed the way it just kept blowing when nothing around.I guess just because of the high flame.I never did burn it long enough to see what it smelled like but after blew it out it was OK.I know it smoked alot as my husband mentioned look at all the smoke coming from it.I know it won't be in my house and I won't even take it outside to burn it unless in the middle of our gravel driveway with me watching it.Maybe the manufactured candles.I did buy some at a wholesale place and I won't burn those either.The flame was HIGH.


I really don't mind if anyone wants to spend 92 cents.I had the money but what a waste.I won't even give it away.

I never did burn alot of candles till making them and now I know why.

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most women dont know measures very well cause their boy friends or hubbys have brain washed them by "showing" them how much 12 inches is... when its really like 4 or 5 inches..... LOLBruce

:confused: hmmm, no wonder us women are challenged when it comes to measurements! :bow: Kudos to you Bruce for actually telling the truth! LOL

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Hummm, 6 inch flame? I dont get a 6 inch flame from my blow torch! LOLTwo index fingers long is about 6 inches so im thinking that might not be the right height.Don't worry though, most women dont know measures very well cause their boy friends or hubbys have brain washed them by "showing" them how much 12 inches is... when its really like 4 or 5 inches..... LOLBruce

That's what i was thinking.

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I got 2 pillars, just short ones to go into 2 small decor pumpkins.. i had setting on my table beside a basket, thought i lite them once, i did walked into another room ... came back and they had burnt and melted the whole top was running over my pumpkins, flame was way to big and i had trimmed the wick, lucky i had a little clear sauce under it. now thanks to bruce:yes: i got to go refill my coffee cup, i was getting a sip of coffee when i read his reply, spewed my coffee:laugh2:

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Hummm, 6 inch flame? I dont get a 6 inch flame from my blow torch! LOLTwo index fingers long is about 6 inches so im thinking that might not be the right height.Don't worry though, most women dont know measures very well cause their boy friends or hubbys have brain washed them by "showing" them how much 12 inches is... when its really like 4 or 5 inches..... LOLBruce
Good thing I wasn't drinking coffee or eating anything when I read this. Or else either my computer would be ruined or I would have choked. LOL.
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That's something you need to take pics of. Then take picks of your candle print them out side by side to show your customers.

That's what I do so I can prove to my customers that I have a better product and why thay should buy from me. Then I explain to them that is why I do extensive testing to get my product where it is today.

I don't put down others I just show results and that gets me more customers.

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So better not to put it down just say this is a candle I got at a major store that sells.No names.Have mine burning next to the pic.

I am always going to the candle dept there and see so many checking the candles out.I would never say a word. They know there are plenty candlemakers out there.I am sure they could find one.In fact I thought about advertising.For $50.00 a month I can put ad in the paper near my home and the ad runs 4 times a month.Not bad.



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I'm still choking Bruce. You almost made me ruin my new laptop. Now I know why my DH hides all the tape measures.

Lynn - most of the candles I've checked out at WalMart and Dollar General were made in China. I just won't buy them. When someone tells me they can get a candle so much cheaper there I just say fine if you want a candle made in China.

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