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EO's for lotions


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I have been using fragrance oils for my lotions. but I am marketing to a natural food store this month and would like a few good EO's or EO blends to bring. I know I can't use Citrus - and I'm assuming bergamot counts as well?

I make a lavender lemongrass that sells well, but that is as far as my EO ventures have taken me.

I think I will do a straight ylang ylang and one with vanilla oleoresin.

any other suggestions and formulas?



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I know I can't use Citrus - and I'm assuming bergamot counts as well?

Please forgive my ignorance, but why can you not use citrus essential oils or bergamot?

As for fragrances, patchouli is usually a classic choice of health food store patrons... perhaps peppermint would be refreshing? Good luck. :D

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Unless it is 5 fold or greater citrus essentila oils are photosensitizers and cause you to burn easy.

So how much patchouli would you recommend for lotion? I usually make a 24 oz batch per fragrance. I have done peppermint before as well, but just forgot about it - and I guess I could try a straight lavender.



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Bergamot is supposed to be one of the worst photosensitizing oils, but you can buy bergaptene-free bergamot, also known as bergamot FCF, which has the phototoxic elements removed. Also, distilled lime EO is supposedly not phototoxic or photosensitizing. It doesn't smell as good as cold-pressed lime in my opinion, but that's the trade-off. I've read conflicting opinions on whether folded citrus oils lose their photoxicity; I wish I could find a definitive answer on this.

I use 0.5% fragrance for all my lotions.

For ideas for EO blends, check out the blend calculator at Rainbow Meadows:


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You have to be very careful when using EO's. Some are not suitable for use while pregnant, if you have high blood pressure...I can't remember which EO it was but I was looking over a list and one was not for use by those with epilepsy. Oddly their was a warning with the Lavender EO not for use by those with LOW blood pressure. I always assume Lavender was the safest EO of all to use.

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