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Pricing up a website and someone to do it....

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IF, if I had to have a website created for me, how much is it roughly and how do you choose someone that you can trust?

Mine is so close to being finished, but the chap helping, hasn't been able to do anything for about the last 5weeks :(

I only need bits finishing, I've input all my details, put the candles on, the fragrances and colours available etc, and whether in stock or not, (I put them 'in stock' once I'm satisfied with testing), thought I'd get them all on there whilst I could remember how to do it ;)

He's just come back of his hols and is at the moment creating a new website of his own and changing his existing one, so it looks like mine is a long way down the list.

I'm rearing to go, got my insurance ready and stuff.

Currently I have subdreamer (not sure what this is, hosting account?) and oscommerce.

He's doing it for free as a favour, although originally I paid him £30 for the rest of an account, that expires in October, not even sure what all thats about.

So, anyone tell me what I need and where I can go? if I have to.

I mean, he may email tonight saying, just going to finish your site for you, but then he probably won't

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Did you get a proposal? draw up a contract? put your terms in writing? If not, you could be left hanging in the wind and out your money.

My suggestion is to take your time to do the research, get several proposals, make sure you discuss every detail, time frame, guarantees, etc. of the website before you let a 'friend' do it for you. A good website can be costly, but you can also save some money by doing your homework first.

Its not only the cost of building and designing the site, but what are you willing to pay in monthly or annual maintenance fees? what about your shopping cart? merchant? host? domain fee? Deciding how much you want to spend can help you save to.

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candybee, it was all verbal. It started off as a conversation on msn between me and a friend and saying I wanted to eventually have my own website but didn't know how to go about it.... she said why don't you ask xxxx to help you.

He emailed me and said of course he'd help, but what about a hosting account (think that was the term), I needed something able to cope with a webshop, thats what the £30 was for, the remainder of the term till October.

I had and still dont' have an idea as to what I need, I know what I want it to look like roughly lol.

What he's done is great, its just frustrating, being so close to finishing, but having to wait. I have virtually no budget left, any money I have left goes on supplies and testing.

I once asked a question on the oscommerce site and someone pm'd me saying they could finish it for £10 per hour! but I don't know whether it needs 1 hour or 50.

I feel so vulnerable not knowing what the heck I'm doing :(

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Where in the process is he? Has he uploaded your site? (Can you go to your web address and it'll show your site?). It's hard to offer advice because I'm not really sure where exactly he's falling short. There is something he isn't finishing, I get that, but what?

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Hi Kelly

yep its uploaded, you can type in the url and see it.

One prob I've got, he's created the email addys and I've added them to my registry but have to figure how to add new email addys to my mail client! if someone buys something I need to know lol

On the main page near the bottom is a little section called info, which has shipping, privacy notice, returns etc, but I just can't find where to add text to this. Its not within the catalogue modules.......(ooh hark at me, do I sound like I know what I'm doing yet lmao)

Oh god, I gotta laugh or I'll cry!

He said he tried buying something and it worked and to cancel his order, but thats not in there anywhere.

I havent' actually told anyone on here what the website is yet, its very scary, as sometimes the replies scare me when people are critique-ing someones else site eek

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I feel for ya! I went thru a similar process getting my site done. I finally ponied up and paid for a professional to do my site. Yikes! I wish I had done that to begin with it. I could have saved a lot of time and money!

Had one guy totally disappear on me then show up one day about 6 weeks later with a half finished site. Wanted the other half of his money and to finish the site. This time I asked for a proposal for finishing it and also got other proposals from some professional designers before making a decision. Had to fire him cause I can't work with someone who 'disappears' for weeks at a time.

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