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Air freshner question

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We purchased sachet base from the candlemakers store, set up all the jars,packaged it in the paper envelope, and it seems to be holding the scent very well. We really like it because it is not very labor intensive and can be mark up well. Here is my question. Does anyone know what it really is? It seems like odorless kitterlitter. My husband says it looks like and feels like the "Sta Dri" that they use in the shop(he is a large equip. mechanic) that they throw down to soak up their spills. It contains no chemicals or smells and cost about $8.00 a #40lb bag. It makes sense that this could be the same that they sell for the sachet base. Candlemakers is very reasonable for the base ($12.50 for 50 lbs.) but it costs us $30.00 to ship it. Does anyone know about this?

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I am very, and I mean very, dumb on a computer. They do not have an image on their website for it. When I called to ask they said it is not the crushed corncob, but a clay based sachet base. It looks exactly like kitty litter, but no scent at all. That is the best way to describe it.

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We add our fo to the base that we bought there, I'm just curious to see if the base that they are selling might be the same material as the "stay dri" that they use to soak up the oil spills in their shop. It just seems exactly alike and serves the same purpose. I would love to save on the shipping. I am the same person(I am ashamed to admit this) that purchased %100 soybean oil for our bath line, had it shipped and then figured out that %100 soybean oil is the same as veggie oil at walmart. I felt so stupid:embarasse I am just trying to figure out if I am paying shipping for something that I could be getting at Napa.

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Don't be ashamed to admit something that you later found out that you could buy locally. It happens to all of us and you now know so you are aware. Could you take a little bit of what you bought to Napa and compare them side by side? It'll be interesting to see what you discover.

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About 1/2 way down the page...

If you have children........you probably have 'stinky sneakers'!!! Here's a great blend for sneaker sachets:

two teaspoons essential oil of Sandalwood one teaspoon essential oil of Tea tree one half teaspoon each essential oils of Lemon and Grapefruit one fourth teaspoon each essential oils of Spruce and Lavender(if you have girls, put a bit more lavender oil in) 4 cups natural clay kitty litter

Stir the oils into the kitty litter in a glass jar, cover and let the mixture age for a week. Put those mismatched or threadbare socks to good use....fill four of them with the sachet blend and close them with rubber bands.

ETA: Though they say that kitty litter can contain other chemicals, you might want to go to the store and write down which ingredients stay-dri or kitty litter have and come home and research the chemicals. There is some all natural kitty litter, but I've never seen it, so you might look around for it.

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I made some sachet with kitty litter and it was awesome. At the local grocery store, i can get 30 lbs for $2.00 It only cost me like .15 cents to make a 1 oz envelope. Then I can sell it for only $1.00. Im not selling it yet because I want to test out the kitty litter next to the base a little more. The kitty litter did well so far though. I even added a small amount of color to it. That way you dont have the kitty litter look as bad.

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That is what I was thinking. It has to be close to the same material. It serves the same purpose of absorbing and keep the scent in it. We got the paper sachet envelopes at Candlemakers Store and you can't even see what the sachet base looks like. I'm having my husband bring some "sta dri" home tonight and then test it. Thanks everyone. I'll let you know the results.

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My husband brought some "oil dri" home and if this isn't the same sachet base I bought I would be very surprised. It looks exactly the same. I put it in a jar side by side with the others and could not tell it apart. I have been researching on the internet and the oil dri is a natural clay product that absorbs oil. That is what the person at the candlemaker told me to. I'm going to try the all natural kitty litter too. They sound like all the same thing to me.

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Natural clay litter should work. A friend of mine, a potter, makes sachet shells, unglazed clay shells onto which you drip some esential oil. They hold the scent really well. I'm sure kitty litter will work as well.

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The composition is clay mixed with diatomaceous earth. You can find diatomaceous earth at your local pool supply store, but I bet you can find it somewhere else a tad cheaper. This stuff is used in pool filtration systems. Being a tiny, two-celled critter that leaves a hollow, crunchy shell behind means lots of room to hold fragrance.

But what about the plastic round thingies that some will put in see-thru mesh sachets? What is that made of?

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  • 1 month later...

I'm going to update this post and bring it back to life, as I've been on a quest for the last few weeks to make a great fragranced sachet.

Have i succeeded you ask? Well, on the one hand, not exactly, lol... on the other hand, the jury is still out on my second try, lol. Still soaking that is.

But I did discover this.... the silica type kitty litter or crystals.... they don't seem to work very well for sachets... BUT- dang, they are great deodorizers! I experimented with a few of these with MIMI Litter. Wal-mart sells a small bag of this for about $3-4. It's pure silica sand, mostly clear and some blue. I thought it would be perfect because of the appearance. But dang- it DOES keep the scent IN. You can put your nose up to it and sniff it... and it smells great. But I put one in hubby's stinky truck and you would think that even if I didn't soak it long enough or not enough fo, etc... in that small a space it is still going to do SOME kind of scenting even if only for a day or two. But nope. Nada. And I really mean NADA... NO MORE STINKY! I put one in his 'Man cave' (our small spare room where he fixes, rebuilds and generally collects everything from records to speakers, old books, stereo recievers, tape decks etc) It's closed up most of the time since he is not home very much. Somehow a cat had gotten in and well, yanno. But the room is so full of stuff that it's been difficult to locate exactly where the accident is. Well I hung his air freshener in the middle of the room from his ceiling fan. And again, this room is small & closed up most of the time and you'd expect to be able to smell the air freshener at first entry at least. But again... Nada. And again, I really mean NADA! I'm quite impressed with it's ability to absorb odors if nothing else! And oh yeah, it IS a great litter if you only have one or two cats. I plan on making odor eliminating sachets from this stuff.

So right now I'm working on the regular kitty litter with no special scent absorbers for my sachets. I did add a few drops of a sparkly soap colorant to one batch. It worked ok. Some peices absorb it more than others but it serves the purpose of camoflauging (sp?) the fact that it is 'just kitty litter'.

So anyways, I thought that was a great discovery and wanted to share!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this stuff from the Candlemaker's Store. It honestly looks like plain old cheapo kitty clay/litter to me. You should have seen look on DH's face when I opened up the box all excited.

Two problems I'm having, one - I should have made darn sure it was dry before I packaged it as it did get an odd odor. Two - I have used over 3 oz of FO, good FO, and I just do not think that it is as well scented as the stuff in the stores. I do not know why. I am disappointed and will not sell it until I can get it better scented. Maybe it's the medium? I just don't know, but it is certainly not going to be cost saving if I have to add more FO. If i can't justify the cost to my customers...it's out.

At any rate, if anyone tries the plain clay litter, please let me know how it works out.

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I still haven't taken mine out of the jars to make the sachet bags with, as I am going to be hand crafting the bags and just haven't gotten that unbusy yet to do so, lol. They have been in the jars for two weeks now. I read it had to be at least one. So are you not getting a good result immediately or are you disappointed with the amount of time they last? And if so, I'd have to ask, how long did you let them sit for?

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There's a scent, though not as strong as the ones from the stores. They have been sitting some 3 weeks now.

I'm going to try again next week. I'll see if there's something that I did wrong that I can correct.

I don't know what to think of it right now. I am disappointed. 3.5 oz of FO ought to have been enough. That's some expensive sachet. I'll let you know if I can figure this out.

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