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Toilet Paper wax?

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I've made two of those so far and just used my scraps of litterally 'whatever'. Lol. Mostly 6006, which yes, is a bit soft. So I made sure to add some of my old parafin tarts from when I first started making them... the ones that broke, lol. There was one or two used up straight soy jumbo tarts that I added as well. Then I topped all that off with about a 1/4 cup or less of Steric. The texture came out fine, not too soft. Yes, the cardboard soaks up a lot of wax.. but all the more scenting it can do then. It does not get 'soggy'. My rolls were from an el cheapo Walmart 6 pack. They are about half the size of a regular roll but I thought they would be best to experiment with. The hardest part was altering the color to something pretty (since most of the used up tarts were a strong color already) So I did end up having to add 3 color chips in the end. One I did kind of tye die by being in too much of a hurry and not thinking about changing the color to something better BEFORE I dipped it in. Up close, it's ugly. But on the shelf it actually looks pretty kewl, lol. I was going to fancy them up with silk flowers, ribbons etc.. but these were just testers- what's the point, lol. They really do work when the door has been closed and it's your first time in the Bath room for a while. But I have a small bath room and the one that sat in my kitchen for a few days never did make it's self known. I think if I put it in a window on a candle plate it would work even better in the Bathroom.

Here is a quick pic.... I'm only disappointed in the inconsistency of the surface coloring. But my theory is that it is only because of the loosely wrapped cheap toilet paper.


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