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Recycling Soap


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Weird, yesterday I was melting some oils in the microwave and found I hadn't cleaned all the soap off of the bucket from the last batch.

It poofed up and went kind of feathery/transparent - almost like fiberglass. I was actually thinking of putting a bar in the microwave on purpose, but I got distracted with something else :)

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Weird video... I wonder what the consistency of it is after being microwaved. And wonder what a real bar of soap would do. Don't have a microwave to try, though. :)

Garf - you can hand mill soaps. Here's a link for example.

It reminds of marshmallow fluff but not sure if the consistency would be the same. I've got to admit that after watching the video, I thought about doing it just to see.

You don't have a microwave? I think you are one in a gazillion that doesn't. I am guessing then that you actually cook for your family and don't nuke stuff. You know the way cooking is supposed to be. Wholesome and delicious. The way it was when we were young. That is so cool!!

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My ex refused to have a microwave - said he was afraid it would make him sterile. My mom, on the other hand, stands directly in front of hers praying it's true! LOL!

ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOO!! I'm here to tell you that it didn't work on me and make me sterile. Eye contact and I was pg. The only thing that worked for me was that wonderful operation called an hysterectomy. lol

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I can't imagine that the FNWL recipe would work too well, of course I haven't tried it. But that seems like an awfully lot of extra oils to add (4 tbsp + 2 tbsp water) to one cup of soap. I'd be surprised if it lathered. May try it just for fun, though; lord knows I've plenty of scrap soap laying around here:rolleyes2 Seems like for this, though, you'd need a soap with very little superfat and my soap is already superfatted at 5-6%.

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Meridith -- you know, when our old one died, we just never replaced it. I don't miss it so much, but it is really a treat when we go to a hotel or something and they have one; the kids ALWAYS want microwave popcorn. Go figure.

Robin - DO IT. And take pictures, of coarse, LOL.

I'm wondering if you can use the soap after, too, if it still bubbles.

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