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anyone in the uk make orb or water balloon candles??

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hi all

made my first smallish orb today, no pics as it wasn't that good and would rather wait till i was good at them before i post pics :P

anyways i used small cheapish water balloons and they didn't go that big and made more of a tear drop shape than a ball, i managed to get one to work that i made my first orb with.

anyways all the makers in the usa usa walmart balloons, just wondering what people in the uk use as I'm not sure what type of balloons to use to get a good dip etc.

thanks all


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Hey there girls (and boys).....they must have decent quality balloons in the UK. Check with a florist or someone that sells helium quality. Those are strong. I have fooled with different sizes and some came out pear shaped. Not good. The best I have found are regular round ones. 7" for my 4" orbs and 9" for the 6". If you use a large balloon for a small orb it won't be round. So size does matter (smile)....Donita

PS....I bought a large bag of great balloons on eBay.

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Try a champagne bucket....one that is about 8" across and 10" tall is all I need for my large ones. I have used huge stock pots but that is a lot of wax to melt. I use a pitcher for my 4" orbs. The champagne pot that I have I bought for $3.00 at a thrift store about 12 years ago. I use it for overdipping too. I finally found a new one at a restaurant supply so now I have a back up. I also have aluminum inserts that restaurants use to keep food warm in a steam table. I have a large one that is 8 x 10. The champagne bucket was cheaper than the insert....go figure. I buy stock pots at thrift stores when I see then. I finally have a large collection since leaving my equipment in Virginia. I use them for all kinds of things. Waterbathing, crackling, melting wax etc. For about $3.00 a piece I figured I couldn't go wrong....and if I ever have a party for 100 people, I can clean them and cook up a whole bunch of food (smile)......Donita

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