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Has Anyone Used These?


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Well sob, I just had to loook!*faint* ..lol Me no likey clowns!!!

I have never used them either, but would be interested also if anybody has .. They say you can use them in cp.. Try them out and let us know..:wink2:

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I use them all the time and love them. They are easy to work with and have great charts for custom colors. They are well worth it. If you do a search on here of "select shades" you will find lots of info on them I am sure.

TKB is NOT Select Shades. I think Lovely Lathers was referring strictly to Select Shades and I love those as well for CP and they are very reasonable. www.selectshades.com


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I love TBK, they have the best oxides and UM's. I have no problem using them. I also have several micas and some of their lipstick base. They have super fast shipping. I am in the Midwest and my order usually arrives in 2 days after ordering. Did I mention I LOVE their oxides and UM's!!!!!

Ann M

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