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Lye Containers


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How often do you soapers replace your lye container? Reason why I ask is I tried to soap tonight wanted to make salt bars. Mixed the lye and most of it dissolved, but there was still some bits that wouldn't. So I dumped it to re-start and it did the same thing, I mixed forever and it wasn't happening so I dumped that too. All I can think is maybe the lye was eating the plastic from my container I've been using it since march for lye. I was thinking about using a glass container now what you guys think?

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I use a Rubbermaid plastic juice jug, and have used it for years. Mind you, I don't make a ton of soap, but probably 40 or 50 batches. I've never used pyrex, but have heard that the lye will weaken it and at that at some point it might shatter. I'd sooner put up with iffy plastic.

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Well it's not the plastic container I was using, because I mixed my lye in a big thick glass jar and still I had tons of bits floating around not dissolving. I don't know what it is my hubby said maybe the humidity got to it, but we run the air constantly so I don't know.

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humidity shouldn't do it. I suspect it's the minerals in your water precipitating out. The mineral content shifts constantly so it's not surprising it showed up out of the blue. You can soap with distilled water if you wish but it's really not necessary. some filter the bits out but I just use the lye sol'n with 'em and never had a problem with it.

I havent' gotten them lately, but my soaps have been crappy - hmmmm....

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The only time I've had any kind of particles not dissolve in my lye was when I used my ye mixing container after it had been washed in the dishwasher (as opposed to handwashing and air drying. The dishwasher had kicked up some food particles and it didn't rinse clean. The particles were small enough that I didn't see them upon a quick inspection of the container, but it sure was obvious when I added the water and lye. Luckily, I only had this happen twice before I caught on to what was happening. I now just make sure I handwash them, and I haven't had a problem since. Just tossing out a slightly out of the box theory on what the floaties could be.

PS - I always always make my soap (everything actually) with distilled water. I'd never dream of using my tap water. It's incredibly hard here. You know how when you pour hot water into a clear glass container it will sometimes be clouding for a moment and then clear up? Our COLD water does that, and both take forever to clear up. It's nasty. I boiled some water last week to make the kids some mac-n-cheese. I actually dumped the water, which had these nasty white floaties in (like the stuff you scrape off from hard water stains), scrubbed the pot, and started over with water from my stash of distilled water. I'd never seen it that bad, but there was NO WAY I was going to eat anything that came out of that water. Definitely a good testament for using distilled water in soap. Those mineral deposits can really do weird things to soap.

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I use a Rubbermaid plastic juice jug, and have used it for years. Mind you, I don't make a ton of soap, but probably 40 or 50 batches. I've never used pyrex, but have heard that the lye will weaken it and at that at some point it might shatter. I'd sooner put up with iffy plastic.

i have had my pyrex shatter on me. thankfully it was in the dish water after i had mixed and poured my lye solution. i now use the rubbermaid pitcher for mixing. it is large enough to hold everything inside.

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