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Don't understand re-naming fragrances


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Can someone help me understand the whole re-naming of fragrances thing. So, if I order a fragrance from a Supplier and want to re-name my candle I can do that? Not that I would want to but I just don't understand how if I buy a named scent from them how I could turn around and re-name it. Don't they have some kind of rights to the name and I have to sell it under that name. I know, newbie entertainment but I need some serious schooling on this re-naming concept. :embarasse

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You can name your candle scents anything you want to with the exception of some trademarked names. When I started making candles, I named one for each of my grandkids. I have a "coconut con bon" which is very popular for fundraisers and when people ask for it, I chuckle. We called one of my grandsons "con bon" when he was little. I'll never tell the real name of the scent, my secret. Carole

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Some people like to re-name popular TM scents from Bath & Body Works, Yankme, VS etc, so they don't have to deal with the possibility of a C&D letter from one of them.

I have found some scents that did not sell as the original name, I changed the name and now they sell great.

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I renamed some of mine so the scents weren't easily found. There was a few candlemakers who started up around me a few years ago. I had a couple of scents that were unique, that locals liked alot, but if I called them by what they were, or the name the supplier used--the other chandlers would have quite easily found them on an internet search. So I renamed them. People are always trying to guess what the scents are and it won't be easy for someone else to find them--keeping those customers coming back to me. :) Having said that, the other chandlers have since disappeared, but I still keep the names the same.

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C&D Letter? So, I can name my candles anything I want as long as that name isn't trademarked.

And how would I know if the fragrance name I am want to put on my candle is trademarked so I don't get thrown in the slammer? I have a family who needs me!

Love the meaning behind your candle name Carole! And thanks again Candle Man - you've been a great help everytime I ask questions :)

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I'm not sure if you were asking, but C&D means cease and desisit. Many companies who have a fragrance that is made for them have the name trademarked. If it's trademarked, you can't use it and MUST rename it. I like Di's idea of naming her scents as her own. Great strategy...

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you can use a trade marked name but you have to put the word type, or compared to, say yank**'s midsummer's night, it would then read on your label as midsummer's night type, or compared to yank**'s midsummer's night

most all the suppliers have in their descripitons of the fo's that it's a yank** dupe/type or vs duplication/type. i was always getting asked what type was so i just rename then a totally different name save alot of time explaining what type is.

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I think it's ok to rename them because candle makers make candles... fragrance companies make fragrances. Yankme wouldn't want another chandler describing their candle the same way by using the same name. KWIM? Peak wouldn't appreciate it if Bitter Creek blatantly copied a clever name for something they make. An FO supplier to a crafter/retailer is really only trying to appeal to you with either a catchy name or a good descriptive name. But they aren't in competition with you. Other than trademarking their own unique scents made just for them, they really have no economical interests in what you call your scented candle or B&B product. And even then i'd think they are more interested in if you stole the actual blend, not just the name. I'd guess it's more of a pride thing in that case since most FO companies are all trying to come up with the same things everyone wants (read: copy eachother) But when they stumble on something unique they naturally would claim all rights to it. Thus a spattering of trademarked fragrance names. But I guarantee you no one will blink if you use their strawberry fragrance to sell a candle you call 'Daquiri Delight'. :smiley2:

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I wondered the same thing when I first started -- but I've since found that Candle Man is absolutely right -- I've got one scent, Fresh Strawberry, that just wasn't that spectacular a seller. I renamed it to Little Girls' Kisses (because the scent reminded me of Bubble Gum and my childhood) and it sold like hotcakes at my last craft fair. The name alone made customers pick it up and take a sniff... and y'all know that the first sniff is half the battle right there. :wink2:

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I just can't keep saying enough how much I love this forum! Thanks for all the info everyone. It all makes sense now and good point Spacegirl - Even looking through Fragrance Suppliers to find scents to buy I saw Fairy Dust and Twinkletoes fragrance and I wanted to buy it just for the name...

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