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Final clean up?


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I don't have any luck with wiping them down either. Usually just makes them look worse. LOL

But some folks plane and/or bevel. I don't generally polish mine, but sometimes I will scrape a bit of ash off then smooth it out with a paper towel.

Generally I just leave my soaps alone after cutting and curing.

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I'm all for the rustic look too - less work :)

I've had OK luck rubbing bars down with alcohol and a paper towel - it can smooth things out a bit. I don't bevel, but I do run my fingernail around the sharp edges to soften them a little bit, which also will clean off the excess flakes from cutting.

Sometimes I do get 'jealous' of the clean, shiny, beveled bars I see, but then I remind myself that's not my look.

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Thanks so much for the feedback! Using alcohol to polish makes sense - damp enough to change the surface, but evaporates before it can get gooey, I guess. (And I've been eyeing that Li'l Shaver . . .)

Cheers! :smiley2:


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Baby Wipes

I mostly use it to clean up the flakes on the edges, quickly wipe them down. I don't use them to polish at all unless I get ash on the tops. I usually do swirly tops, and since I can't cover that, I sometimes get ash. I've found a little rubbing with baby wipes will take most of that off. And what's left is usually a little pearly instead.

You can kind of see the effect I'm talking about on this soap. The tops were almost completely white before I did some light rubbing with the baby wipes. It's a good activity to do while watching TV.


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Baby Wipes

I mostly use it to clean up the flakes on the edges, quickly wipe them down. I don't use them to polish at all unless I get ash on the tops. I usually do swirly tops, and since I can't cover that, I sometimes get ash. I've found a little rubbing with baby wipes will take most of that off. And what's left is usually a little pearly instead.

You can kind of see the effect I'm talking about on this soap. The tops were almost completely white before I did some light rubbing with the baby wipes. It's a good activity to do while watching TV.

Baby wipes sound like a really smart idea. You wouldn't get lint pills like you might with a paper towel. I do have ash issues - Your soap looks great. Thanks so much! :smiley2:


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