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Smelly Jellies - Good sellers?

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Hi, I wanted to try making and selling smelly jellies, I just wondered how good of a seller they were? I make gel drink candles and I get a lot of lookers and comments like, "They're so cute I wouldn't want to burn them". It's getting annoying. I need something that sells!

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They sell ok for me. Don't go by the directions you find out there, tho, 1-2 teaspoons of FO is just not enough. Smelly Jellies are just room fresheners and have no heat to throw off the scent. I add 1oz of FO in the 8oz jelly jars and get a good enough throw for my customers to come back for more.

Here is how I make mine...

I make mine per jar, not in a large batch. With my method you can still make many jars at one time.

  1. In a 8oz Jelly Jar add 1/2TSP of table salt. This helps to reduce the growth of mold & works for me.

  2. Next fill the jar about 1/2-3/4 with distilled water.

  3. Use a straw and stir until salt is desolved.

  4. Add food color by the drops to the desired color & stir with the straw. Keep a recipe card for your colors.

  5. Add 1 TBSP of crystals.

  6. Add 1oz of FO.

  7. Keep stiring off & on until jel swells.

  8. You may need to top off with more distilled water. Only fill to ring below the threads.

  9. When finished place a metal canning seal on top then screw on the daisy smelly jelly lid, then label.

  10. TIP - After step 1&2 you can put the jar into the microwave for 30 seconds to warm the water, this will help the jel to swell faster.

HTH - Candle Man

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:undecided Dang, already ordered the crystals. Oh well, at least they're cheap, guess I can always save them to use at my wedding.

They are not a waste, these are the same water crystals you can use in flower pots, flower beds & gardens, if you grow plants. Just mix the dry crystals in the soil, they hold moisture in the soil for weeks, so you water less.

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I made some last year for a craft fair, they didn't sell very well there, but my neighbors love them as car freshners. I made the small 4 oz jelly jars, they fit really well into car cup holders and won't topple over like the taller 8 oz ones. jennifer

I tried the 4oz Jelly Jar as a car freshener and could not get a good throw, even in this hot weather & at 1oz FO per 4oz jelly jar.

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They used to be great sellers for me. Little old ladies always bought them, but I only sold them for $3.00 each in a 12 oz. hex jar, otherwise they wouldn't sell. I stopped selling them 3 years ago. They just don't have a good scent throw. I wish they were because they are so easy to make. I think if it was a solid gel base that would hold the scent alot better.

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I tried making them twice, both times they turned brown. Turned me off to them. Make sure you don't use vanilla scents when trying them out!

Yes, that's so true. Also Leather will turn milky white, instantly, not from light. It just won't mix in water.

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