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My first soaps so far (long)


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'K, I've been soaping for three months now, so I thought I'd step up and share what I've done so far, at least the successes. All CP. You will note that my cleanup skills are well below average!

1. Very first batch ever - no, I lie, make that 2nd batch, but first one that I could remove from the gladware "mold" in order to cut. :rolleyes2 CO/RBO/OO/castor oil, and used an infusion of lavender buds & dried rose petals for the lye water, which is where the natural brown tone comes from. I don't even remember what eo I put in it - I used so little that it vanished before pouring; it just has a neutral smell.

2. Cucumber-Watercress FO. CO/OO/sw. almond/castor. Swirled in the pot by dripping emerald and lime color directly in, quick swish & pour. This was a pia to photograph - the colors are so light they kept washing out. Nice, clean, subtle scent.

3. Berrywine FO from Brambleberry. PKO/OO / mango/ shea/RBO/ castor. My big idea originally was to make this for my bro-in-law; he's a big wine fancier and in the bottle the fo smells exACTly like a good red wine. It soaped completely different, to my nose anyway - sweeter & not winey at all - quite nice, but not very masculine, especially considering how pink the color turned out. This recipe and #2 are my favorites in the shower so far, skin-wise.

4. Garden-Kitchen soap. CO/ OO/ lard/ canola/ castor, with cornmeal for scrubbies. I had added litsea cubeba and green mandarin eo's, which was yummy, but I didn't use enough and all fragrance disappeared after a few days of curing. Works great, though!

5. Santas Spruce FO from Brambleberry. PKO/ OO/ lard/ canola/ castor. Ultramarine blue pigment in glycerine for the swirl in the pot.

6. Salt Spa bars, CPOP. Ocean Rain FO from MMS. CO/ crisco/ RBO/ sw. almond/ shea; dead sea salts at 3/4 oils. Ocean Blue (green 5) drops swirled directly in the pot after I added the salt. Did these bars weep? Oh, my! Cry me a river - like salted fresh zucchini. Thanks to the wise & wonderful CT forum I 1) learned what the heck was going on and 2) tried wiping the bars down with tepid water to seal them. Did that, despite a few premature lathering issues, set them in front of a fan, and it seems to have worked. Haven't tried them out, yet, but the room smells so fresh!

7. Tender Tulips FO, from Oregon Trail, using Darwin's basic recipe that everyone loves so. Just made it a couple of days ago. I was trying for a thin green layer at the bottom (for the lawn) and delicate color swirls above for the floral effect. I was careful, but even so the pour shoved all the green layer to the ends and sides of the mold, as you can see from the piece on the left. Actually, I think it might have been for the best. Also, the bars are just too big to be comfortable to hold - I expect I'll cut them in half vertically. Can't wait to try these . . .

:yay: Jeri








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