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vanilla fo and discoloration in wax?

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Hi all...

I dabble in tarts as well as B&B and I read a lot about discoloration from vanilla in B&B products. My question is... does it have the same reaction in wax? My goal is to perfect melts that appear to look like and smell like chocolates and truffles. So I either dye them various colors of brown OR would I be able to blend an FO to acheive the discoloration in a melt and by pass the dye altogether. :confused: I have not had this experience so far in my limited experimentations, but I also have not used a straight or strong Vanilla type FO either. I just read about Vanilla Vanilla from Brambleberry that turnds an ebony brown... that would be so cool, lol. Thanks so much. - Blaze

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Just looking at your post reminded me of something I did one Valentine's Day many many moons ago. I found a place who sold the little chocolate candies papers, the boxes chocolates come in, and little chocolate molds and I made a box of wax chocolates, labeled them and sold them with a little tart burner. They were such a big hit I have done that every year since then. Gl and let me know if you need any help. I can find my notes on them for you! I can't give out exacts but I may be of some help!

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I thought I would let it happen (discoloration) naturally if it worked that way. But I guess it makes sense that wax is by nature more stable than soap.

Aromaz... that's exactly what I was wanting to do. I've seen those foil candy wrappers and thought... everybody loves chocolate! I don't want to go to the expense of using the candy boxes, but I thought about wrapping up about 12 and packaging into clear cello bags tied up all pretty. I want to do this so bad... why haven't I yet? Lol. I guess all I need is recommendations on dye combinations. I want to make all the different colors of chocolate.

Tell ya what... I will make this my goal. :yay: I'm so unfocused with all that is possible this will be good for me, lol. You can hold me to it.:)

I have been watching the Fragrance discussion to try to figure out some great chocolate fo's. I apologise for not remembering, but someone recently posted choc dipped strawberry's in the gallery... omg. They were awesome. I want to do that too so bad, lol.

Thanks again and in advance for any aditional tips. - Laura

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