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Has Anyone Bought Any F/o From...

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I have bought from Candlesource through their regular website. They have wonderful oils. I just love them...Loren is great to work with too and fast service. I placed my most recent order Monday morning and it's at my door already today....

Their Black Raspberry Vanilla is the best Coffee Caramel Creme, J&J bedtime Bath, melonberry, Lemongrass, Pumpkin Vanilla--are some of the ones that sell really well for me. I have a bunch more I can't think of right now..


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loren's oils are fantastic, a few that i really like are the melonberry, vanilla walnut, christmas rum ball (i know wrong time of year) vicks vapor rub, j&j bedtime bath, brandied fruit, buttered rum, vanilla & fresh berries, cinnamon & sandalwood, cinnamon toasted almonds that's all i can think of off the top of my head. good luck.

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Hi anjie

i order a lot of my fragrance oils from the candle source website. The delivery to the U.K is very reasonable too. Its a set amount think its $10 and for that you get about 6 8oz bottles shipped to the U.K. And they arrive really quickly too more so than the other suppliers.

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4 8oz bottles or $12!! WOW! Why can't all American fragrance oil companies offer the flat rate shipping price to the UK? Or do they, but you have to ask? I'm never sure if its the done thing to ask for a shipping method that isn't quoted :confused: Oh well, I'm as happy as a pig in shite :yay: 4 x 8oz bottles and shipping for a little under £20!!! *faint* Amazing!

Can't wait to try these out :drool:

Thanks again for all your help, you're fab!


p.s. Is there any fragrance descriptions on the site, I couldn't find any but maybe I am looking in the wrong place as usual.

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Hi Anjie

I get all my oils from The candlesource. They are brill. As Victoriaj said shipping is very cheap $11 which at the moment works out at about £5.50. They normally take a week to get to me.


ps They smell really good in soy

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Thanks for that link to the descriptions page - dohhh, knew it must be there somewhere!

As for what I ordered......well....... I got a bad case of fragrance oil fever and went a bit looney :o My first fatal mistake? Having one of Anjies 'fab' ideas and deciding to go through the list and add everything I liked the sound of to the shopping basket and short list afterwards - well of course I had trouble deciding and ordered far too much!!! I got Juicy Sweet Cherry, Orange Dreamsicle, Pomegranite, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Watermelon, Spring Rain and last but not least Freesia! Some in 16oz and a few in 8oz sizes.

My second fatal mistake?...... reading this thread again and seeing your suggestions and GOING BACK FOR ANOTHER LOOK!!!!! :shocked2: I now have another shortlist of - Chipotle Cracked Pecans, Pumpkin Vanilla, Spearmint, and sun washed linen..oh and Fresh Peach and Monkey Farts of course :drool:

I've spent far too much money, but you know what? Am I bovered?? ROFL


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These are "fallish" scents, but Gembertaarts and Gramma's Zucchini Bread are not to be missed. Also, if you're looking for empty bottles for repackaging oils, his prices are the best I've found anywhere.

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