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Starting over....name and logo....need input

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Okay, I've decided to start over from scratch. I'm trashing the whole "Bert's Candle Corner" name and the "bubble" logo.....it was my first attempt and it flopped. But that's okay, I really wasn't overly excited about it.

I had originally wanted to use my nickname "Bert" in the title, but have now decided that it would be confusing for those who don't personally know me.....they would expect a dude...and then...surprise....it's a chick!

So....moving on...:tiptoe:

As previously stated in my other post, I really love the whole retro, disco, hippie look. I want that reflected in my name and logo. I know alot of you like "traditional" looks for your labels, but I want a more trendy, hip look.

For my logo design, I know I'd like to have some hippie flowers, etc., but I'm stumped on a name :confused: , and I want the name and logo to flow.

The following names seem a bit goofy to me and I really don't like them, but I figured it would give some of you an idea of where I'm trying to go with this.

Groovy Scents Galore

Retro Diva Candles

Far Out Fragrances

Need your help coming up with a new name....

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My suggestion? Pick something and keep it off of here. If you figure something out that you love and stick it up here for everyone to criticize, you end up thinking it's not good and changing your mind a million times.. it's not just you by the way, this happens a LOT to people on here.

Bottom line is, this is YOUR business. That is YOUR logo and most if not all of the people on here giving out advice are not professionals, they just tell you what THEY think, same as you.. it's a matter of nothing but opinions. They are only doing what you have asked them to do, but in the process your mind is changing and I have to wonder if it would have had people not given so many opinions that clashed with what you originally wanted.

Bert is your nickname and you obviously love it! Personally I love it too, my grandma is called Bert and it's always been a cool name in my book. Who cares what people are expecting.. it's not like the surprise of having you turn out to be a chick is going to make them not want to buy your candles right?

Your trendy, hip look was starting to evolve for you.. I think you can still pull it off.

If you REALLY want to change your name then that's cool.. but do think twice if you love the original. The only person here that matters is you! This is your baby and you are the one that needs to love it!

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Thanks PA! I guess you're partially right. With all the input I was given, I kept changing things around. I know that I won't be able to please everyone on this board with what I come up with, but alot of their comments made sense. I'm NOT a designer by any means, so the inputs on font and such were helpful.

I guess if I could find a quirky title that blended with "Bert", I might still use it....but nothing seemed to fit right. "Bert's Candle Corner" just didn't flow well with the retro look I was going for....that's more of a country name.

So, how do you use Bert along with a retro-ish name? :confused: "Bert's Groovy Candles" is goofy too. *sigh*

If I can ever get the name down, the logo should be no problem...that's what you're for! :laugh2:

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uhmmmm my business name is the name of my cats so I won't bother if someone wonders what Punto&Virgola stands for as for what bert stand for. Try to keep it simple. maybe using the word "candles" is not necessary, after all if soemone has your candle on hand is pretty clear what "bert and some" produces.

Bert's Groove? The Groovy Bert? Bert retro?

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How about something simple like...."Funky Flames and Fragrances". In the case you start to venture out into melts, aroma beads, etc.

At this point, I have NO intention of doing anything but melts and container candles....that stresses me out enough. :P

I do like "Funky Flames"....hmmmm....maybe "Bert's Funky Flames"? But since I'll be doing wickless candles too (no flame there), would that really matter?

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How about:

"Bert's Funky Scents"

"Bert's Waxy Creations"

"Retro Wax by Bert"

"RetroBert Aromas (or Creations, or Scents)"

It is very hard to come up with a Business name, I agree with PA about putting it on here, I don't want the criticism either. Maybe you will get some more good ideas and narrow it down from there. Good luck!

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Guest Amorelei

I think the best ever suggestion for you was AmBert... just my opinion.... I had an Aunt Bert, so it's not just a male name.

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I'm not awake enough to comment much on the names (I had a rough night), but wanted to toss in my two cents with the clear labels. I've read through all the threads since yesterday about your logo design, and just wanted to mention a couple things.

As someone who prints on clear labels for her retail line, during your creation period, print off some labels. Try out the different colors for the different scents. And then actually put those labels ON your product to see how they look. I, too, love the color fades. Or in your case with the pink/brown blending together. HOWEVER, I've also learned that they don't always print out how they look on the monitor. I liked the last logo design (the pink/brown combo), where the circles formed an oval around the design. But seeing it printed on clear labels could make or break it.

Also, I know someone mentioned about limiting the white/empty space on your labels, and I couldn't disagree more actually. It's actually hard to leave white space alone, but in a lot of cases, leaving it alone is a very good thing. It helps draw attention to your focal points, points that would have gotten lost if you filled in all the empty spaces. So don't be afraid of empty spaces.

(just as an example of how empty space can help draw your eye to something more specific)


Last comment I had was about your name. I know you said you're only making candles. A lot of people start out with only one item, especially chandlers, and then end up expanding into the B&B. I see it happen more often than not, even with those who said they never would. I'd probably try to keep a more neutral name so that the B&B fits in down the road. I know, I'm sounding hypocritical, considering I have "Soaps" in my company name, and we sell more than soaps. We haven't expanded into candles, I'd love to, but won't with kids still at home. When they're all in school, I'll re-evaluate, and decide then. Will my name conflict with selling candles? Yeah, it might. But it's done already, and we've been operating under the name for quite some time. But with just starting out, you can plan for these contingencies, even if you're not planning on ever doing B&B.

These are just my thoughts! I love what you're trying to incorporate into your logo! It's always a crazy process, sometimes painful, often discouraging, but when you find it, and you know it's right, it's all worth it! It's been exciting to watch you move through everything!

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Why can't you just be "Bert's" alot of the most famous companies of our time have one name titles. I studdied media in college and took some classes on grpahic design so I can help you with your labels. pm me.

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Take a look at these sixties backdrops for inspiration


Something like that would scream 'retro' enough without trying to come up with a new business name as well. You could simply use a retro font to go with it like:


or even a solid color over the 'flowerpower' background, but it would definitely be retro.

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regarding the use of the name bert, i found this gal's site... http://bertscorner.com/ and if you read down you will find out why she uses the name bert.

Okay, I've decided to start over from scratch. I'm trashing the whole "Bert's Candle Corner" name and the "bubble" logo.....it was my first attempt and it flopped. But that's okay, I really wasn't overly excited about it.

What about Bert's Bubbles? sounds more like a b&b line though...

so, i think finding something to go along with bert would be just fine.

and as far as the logo-do you really need one? you could just do whatever name you pick in the wild color font that was shown above.

i'm not very inventive with names-my husband actually picked mine out. we kept throwing names out there cause i wanted something "natural" to go along with cabins, but he threw out Dakota Candleworks and the name just seem to fit, of course now i'm selling more than candles, but i think candleworks seems to allow for more than just candles...

if you look in the wikpedia dictionary, under the word retro, it also says

A love of retro objects (things from the past) is called retrophilia.

so, does that mean you are a retrophilliac? lol!!!

what about using the word Psychedelic in your name?

if you only want to do candles (which i wouldn't suggest) you could put "Candles by Bert" or i'm sure someone could help me out here with a generic term before that. Handmade by Bert... you get the idea... Scented by Bert..

some other things i'm just throwing out to get you thinking

Out of this world...

flower power i saw a business named daisy girl.... maybe your favorite flower? or how about "Bert's Flower Power"-then you could use NG's flower child fragrance as your "signature" scent.

i saw something about rainbow on a site talking about flower child...

ok, that's all i've got. i don't think using bert's is bad, if that's what you like then go for it. i agree with posting about names on here. in the end it's all about what you like because i don't think unless you have a really horribly named business that it will stop people from purchasing from you.

hope that at least inspired you to create something you'll love!!

and as far as a logo - i think keeping it simple-and just doing the colorful thing around the lettering would be enough. a logo really isn't much. i had a cabin and a bear, and it is so hard to work with in making a banner and printing etc. that i am re-thinking my logo at this point and making it something very simple!!!

good luck-i wish i could say this was the hardest part of owning your own business, but it's not!!!

ambert is cute too, you could do "Aroma's by Ambert" without committing yourself to any special product.


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prairieannie has a point! lol

There are tons of helpful people, but in some aspects, you've gotta go with what you like. Like with my website, I asked for suggestions, but I knew what I wanted as my basics, so the overall site never changed, but a bit of wording and set up did, for ease of use, and thankfully to sockmonkey, avoid some lawsuits based on my wording.

These products are essentially an extension of YOU. Don't change something around because some others may not like it, or the presentation if you really do like it.

I love the name Bert! And I can tell you do too! It's what's home and comfy to you, by all means go for it! Who cares if a few people think it's a boy's name? It's your product that keeps people coming back, not really the name.

Some people think I'm nuts and picked a random name out of a hat for mine - Cormar Company.

That's the first three letters of my hubby's name, and then 3 from mine. It's special to me, and that's what makes it 'mine'. :)

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You guys are the BEST!! Has anyone told you that lately? :cheesy2: I appreciate all the kind words and encouragement.....and all the thoughts and opinions are really helping me.

Now, I have to say to ARKANGEL.....I could just kiss you!! Okay, well not really, but OMG....I LOVE what you did with my name! And the website link you gave just made me grin from ear to ear....THAT'S THE LOOK I want!!

So, what do you guys think about "Bert's Happy Place"....incorporate a little hippie smiley guy with some bright flowers.....???? Everyone needs to visit their happy place every now and then, right? So, why not it be at my place?! :grin2:

Anyone care to take a stab at designing a logo for me?....I've seen some of the work done on here and it's impressive. I don't know what you guys charge to create one, but it might just be worth it in the end. Or, at best, it could give me ideas on how to "attempt" to do one on my own....still trying to read up on what I can and can't use as far as clipart.

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And I was also thinking.....although I want the flower power look, I'm considering still using toned down colors.....like the colors below....it's still retro, but also contains that girly side I was striving for as well.

Not sure yet....just tossing around ideas while I browse for ideas....


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Hey, as long as you don't use the name "Groovy Chic"... :laugh2:

Seriously though, I think the name Bert could be your niche. People won't forget the candle gal named Bert. And really, bottom line, do what YOU want, what makes you happy, not everybody else. Soon enough, people will recognize you as Bert, the candlemaker with the cool name. Hey, there's you a tag line - "the candlemaker with the cool name". :)

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I think you should to stick with the Bert idea if that is what you still want. Millions of company names have nothing to do with the person who owns them and there's nothing to say that the company name has to be anything to do with you as a 'girl', so you shouldn't worry even if people do think it is a boy's name - hope that makes sense maybe not?

Groovy baby! I now have an Austin Powers thing going on - maybe have a look for some inspiration and graphics:


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Okay, well I've decided to go with "Bert's Happy Place" (for now anyway), so here's my problem. All I can create is the name (as shown below). Since there are so many restrictions on using clipart and I can't draw, I'm sorta stuck. :(

I've seen where some of you "create" sample label ideas for people and post them on here. For example, I did a search on here and saw where numerous people were helping Funky Monkey revamp her logo. Several of you added different looking monkeys to the samples you posted. My question is this: where did you get the monkeys? Surely you guys didn't just randomly draw them....if so, then I'm really jealous, but impressed.

I want the flower-power-looking-daisies, but I can't draw them....what do I do?

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