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Slab Molds


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okay.. searched forever.. just for clarification.. I am looking for a slab mold that requires no liner. Could you please tell me which one is your favorite no liner slab mold? I bought a couple log molds on ebay that were the plastic cutting board material, but he is not making the slabs yet.. he did say he was working on it though.. I don't want to wait.. imagine that... so any information would be fabulous!


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Not sure how Kelsi is doing on production BUT Upland is on vacation or something till August last time I looked...weird! TOG makes a great mold but appears to be impossible to get a hold of him. I am looking for some new large size double log molds of which I think his are the best....but since I can't get a hold of him I am looking elsewhere right now.

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This is a little different from what you're probably looking for, but it might still help. (from www.cumberlandacoustics.com - the divided soap mold)


Technically it's for logs. The dividers can be slid in after you pour the soap if you're doing all the same scent. Or you can do four completely separate batches. It's very flexible, and a wonderful mold.

I've been debating calculating how much I'd need to pour to use it slab style, but I've been playing major catch up on soap making, and don't have time to pour that little at a time. But I bet it would work great. I'd slide the dividers in after pouring, so you'd only need to figure out where to cut for one side of the bar (hope that made sense! LOL!).

It's just a thought for a different alternative!

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I wanted to order a Kelsei a few months ago, emailed them, but never got a response. :undecided

Rita (Kelseis) is always REAL good at getting back to folks promptly. I'm sure she didn't get your email or it ended up in a spam folder or something. I'd try and contact here again. You can order the mold right off the site. I have 2 of her original wooden divider molds (with the acrylic ring and dividers) that I bought probably 7 years ago. They still work great. I also have one of the newer 'mini' molds. I think these are even more heavy duty than the wooden ones. Works great!

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I love my small Kelsei but I hate trying to get the dividers out, they are a pain to remove.

I thought about a Misty Creek but they aren't selling right now and I don't want an Upland or another Kelsei. But I do need a larger slab since my 9 bar is just to small.

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