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I want to make scoopable wax melts

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Does anyone have any ideas on how I could/would do this? Has anyone made any of these? I hope you get the idea of what I'm talking about.

I was wondering how they would work pouring the wax on a cookie sheet and just cutting into really small squares.

TIA for any help/thoughts.

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Does anyone have any ideas on how I could/would do this? Has anyone made any of these? I hope you get the idea of what I'm talking about.

I was wondering how they would work pouring the wax on a cookie sheet and just cutting into really small squares.

TIA for any help/thoughts.

When you say 'scoopable' do you mean you just want to spoon some into a warmer and then melt? If you use soy container blend it should be scoopable because it's so soft. The problem I see with this is getting it out of the melter once done. It would have to be scooped out too. Maybe I just don't understand :confused:

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I've seen some which I'm sure they can't be container. They look like little dots, some look like little round pellets. So maybe my phrase "scoopable" is a little miss leading. I just want them small enough to where they could take out a few pieces with a spoon or something and place on the warmer.

Does this make any sense at all? :laugh2:

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Thanks Luci. Yes something similar to that. Thanks for giving me any idea of what to search for. I think I'm going to try the cookie sheet thingy and cut into small pieces and see how it turns out.

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Martini Tarts sent me this link for a seller on ebay that has those little jelly bean molds too (as well as other tart/embed molds) at reasonable prices:


Scoopable tarts would be cute packaged in a tin with a scoop attached to it. *nod*

Reminds me of dip n dots ice cream for some reason tho...*ponder* :drool:

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I have seen where some pour out tart wax into cookie sheets and break it up for tart brittle but this thread has me thinking.

What about doing that and taking it a step further by putting the brittle into a bag and using a rolling pin to crunch it up into little bits and bag it up. You can call it Wax crumblies or something like that.

I think I might give this a try :grin2:

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These may work for you and they have 3 different shapes you can go with now. http://www.candlewic.com/store/Product.aspx?q=cPolyurethane,p287

I have one of those molds (the round one) those are really big actually. I think the ones that are pictured from EL are extruded?

Some time ago there was a thread about those little dots and I don't think you will be able to find a mold that small other then the chocolate chip one that was suggested.

The molds from Candlewic I don't think are worth the money cause after a few uses it takes on way too much of the FO and they all start smelling the same. The thing is hard and way too time consuming to "clean".

Plus even after all the time "cleaning" it, it still smells...:undecided

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I have made "Bakery in Jar" Crumbles in Jars for scooping to Tart warmers.

What I did was, pour wax into cake pan...let set up....then use potatoe masher and mush them up...into crumbles then layered them into jars

added an old antique spoon to side of jar tied with homespun. :)

It's super easy and fun to do.



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I'm sure this is not what your looking for but you can try it. Pour container wax in a metal bowl (make sure you add your dye and scent before you pour into the bowl) and use a wisk and whip it. It's hard an your arms but just keep going until it starts to look like whip cream. Use a small melon ball scooper and scoop it. It won't be smooth but you can try it.

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