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Did anyone ever hear of this?

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Cutting up your wax into small pieces and putting the wax, color and FO into the pot all at the same time, and heating it to proper pour temp. all at once. And not to stir it but just swish it around in the pot to mix it up? It's supposed to stop wet spots. I never heard of that, but I'm gonna give it a try and see what happens. I was just curious if anyone here ever heard of this technique. BTW, I use J50.

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When you say not stir, just "swish", what does that mean? I thought the color and FO needed to "incorporate" itself with the wax, so it needed to be stirred at least two minutes. I add the FO last and stir for two minutes...I heard if you leave it in the shortest amount of time, I would not "burn off" BUT since I only heat to 175, I am not sure it would make that much of a difference if I added the color and FO at the same time.

We have only been doing this two years or so, and these were the directions we were given with our kit. I am sure the experts, who have been doing this way longer than us, would be able to help you out.

Good Luck!

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I guess I'd be a little concerned about having the FO directly in there without having the wax melted. I think if you want to try this, wait until enough wax has melted to dilute the FO first.

This was my concern also. I melt my wax, add the additives (incorporate), then add FO (incorporate), then dye(incorporate), then heat to pour temp.

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I personally think it's pure laziness. If you can't even stir the wax, dye, and FO then why bother.

You definitly can't do that in a presto pot unless you want your whole house filled up with smoke. That's common sense.


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I've heard of it but will never do it. Color is the last thing that goes in my wax before pouring. Must make sure the FO blends with the wax. I personally wouldn't want FO sitting on the bottom of the pot as the wax melted. Ever get those really heavy FOs that leave a residue on the bottom of a pot? They're such a PITA to clean.

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