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Does this look silly??

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I just got a new wholesale acct today!! I have never sold my soaps anywhere but on my site and at craft shows and to reg. customers.

I wanted to use Dan's bands but I dont have enough..so I am trying to come up with something else that looks nice. Please be honest and tell me what you think about the diff colored bands with my label.




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LOL I thought the title read "Does it look SILKY"! And I was gonna say, ummm no, they look sort of rustic, LOL, BUT now that I can actually READ the title, NO they do not look silly. I like them and the different colors are what caught my attention like what others have said.

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Kris I'm in the minority. I like your craft label (and that look for all the way around the soap). I'm bias though as I like the country look that craft paper gives. I bought craft paper from OT and make bands out of that.

I guess the question is, is the customer base for you soap going to like it?? Demographics play a huge part in what will fly. Suzi in AZ may like this look, but Mary in MA may not- does that make sense??

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I like them, however I think they should be thicker- you might try cutting the edges with the scrape booking scissors, there's tons of different designs and not having a straight line might make the bands blend into the soap, KWIM?

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I've been looking at this trying to figure out exactly what everyone meant. I think I kinda figured it out: is the label throwing some of you off b/c of the rounded edges? :undecided When I looked at the close-up, I thought maybe if the label edges were square & even with the paper it wouldn't throw some people off :confused: Or is it the color of the label that's doing it?

OK, y'all have to work w/ me. I don't sell, but if I ever do, I need to have an "eye" for packaging. So threads like this are important to me.

As a consumer, I like the look of it. If I saw this on a shelf, the contrasting colors of the soap & paper would grab my attention. The label was actually the last thing I looked at when Kris first posted the pic.

But, what do I know :grin2:

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I like it a LOT! And actually, I like the fact that the paper and the label are different sizes, I hate "uniform" symetrical things! ;)

I like the contrasting colors with the kraft labels.

Maryann hit the nail on the head though in that it has to match what the customer wants. I'm sure though that you already took that into consideration.

Why don't you ask the customer for feedback? OR just go with it, and see how they sell? Ask your customer how many people are drawn to your soaps, pick them up etc. that will be a good indication of how the packaging etc. is drawing people in.

I bought a ton of different colored scrapbooking papers with this kind of "banding" in mind, so of course I'm partial to it. ;)

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