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Decided to try a cupcake this time. Had a job on, trying to get the hundreds and thousands to stick! maybe because they were balls and not strands :D

Butterscotch vanilla and frosted cupcake fo.

I've double wicked this one with LX21 as opposed to the muffin one wick LX28.

Going to test burn them both tomorrow


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How many inches is that in diameter. I have only ever gone up to a LX24 in my 3" pillars. Is it really necessary that these muffins self consume completely? - surely some shell would be ok with a novelty candle like this. Smoking wicks, sounds like you need to trim them a little?

By the way very well done with the icing on that - looks so real.

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I trimmed the wicks, lx28 still big flame and smoking.

I burnt them for 2 hours, the double wick (lx21) has burst its banks all around, the lx28 has a nice melt pool in the middle.

Its approx 4inches in diameter, but that includes the bobbly bits over the sides lol. the round bottom is about 3inchs.

Had to put them out after 2 hours, but back on 15mins later.

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These are the piccies of 3hour burn test on them both.

The muffin had one LX28 wick, some smoking, massive flame, still quite big after trimming,

dribbled a little over the sides eventually.

The cupcake had two LX21 wicks, smoking and massive flames, and burst open.



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WOWzer's you got some real torches going on there. I think you need to wick way down. According to what I have noted for an LX16 and a 20 they are for candles from 3-4" diameters. So the wicks you are using are for bigger diameters than that. What other wicks do you have?

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one of the mistakes I made when first making candles seems to be the same mistake that you are making - and that is trying to size the wick based upon the melt pool at the top of the candle. One of the things you need to know is that the top of the flame is hotter than the base of the flame, so the further down the candle burns, the more wax around the top it will consume.

So if you don't get a full meltpool at the first hour or so -don't despair - keep burning and the top of the candle will catch up and fold in on itself once the heat of the top of the flame reaches it if you have used the correct wick. Those wicks you've used are seriously huge for this muffin candle - i have the same mould and I only use a single wick which is much smaller than those you have used. Don't be scared to use a wick that you think may be a little small - it's easier to wick up by yanking out the old wick and replacing with a new one whilst the candle is still viable. If you've flame-thrown it with a huge wick and want to wick down...that's gonna be harder!

Good luck!


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Right, wicks arrived. I've made two more, one with LX18 and the other LX20.

They were both really difficult to light!, would stay lit, I've not precoated the wicks in wax, is that why?

The lx18, is just staying lit, but the lx20 has gone out. Strange!? :confused:

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They eventually stayed lit, after I gouged out a bit of wax around the LX20 wick (wonder if i cut the wicks too short?)

This is the Lx18 after 3hour burn,


and this is the LX20 after 3hour burn.


I'm wondering whether it should be a 3hour burn as its 4inch diameter, although someone did point out there would be some shell left.

Should I blow out now, let it set and then take piccie of burn pool?

What you all reckon?

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