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Cp in mold.. So excited lol

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I am sooo overly excited! I made cp today in my new log mold and tried to swirl in the mold. Not sure if I did it right but I sure tried. Here is a pic of it in the mold. I hope it looks good when its cut!!


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Well here it is cut and smelling great!!! I think I have to get a slab mold to get the look I want. The scent is Millcreeks Rasberry Guava, behaved fantastically! Soaped at room temp and what a difference! The color is Bittercreeks gel tone

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Well here it is cut and smelling great!!! I think I have to get a slab mold to get the look I want. The scent is Millcreeks Rasberry Guava, behaved fantastically! Soaped at room temp and what a difference! The color is Bittercreeks gel tone

it looks great.

no dont worry about getting another mold.

the secret is that you need to pour at thiner trace. dont beat the colored and uncolored portions too much with the stick blender. Pour the uncolored portion into the mold at a thin trace, then mix up the colored portion and pour it into the mold on top of the uncolored.

This way the colored portion will sink to the bottom and start layering on top of its self as you pour back and fourth so eventually only a little will remain on top.

When you pour at too thick of trace, the colored portion can not sink down towards the bottom.

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I just asked for help on the soap section. Thank you so much!! I am going to try this again tonight. I guess mine was way to thick. And I let the uncolored part sit there until I was done coloring the other part. Maybe I waited too long. My problem is I can never tell exactly when its a thin trace so I have to go with at least medium trace. I love soap!

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