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Embedding question

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Okay, I'm going to be making hurricanes, and I'm using printed pictures as the embeddment.

The pictures will wrap completely around and I'm hoping it turns out well, but I have some questions.

1) Will a picture printed on a laser printer hold its color or will the hot wax make it "bleed" or "melt"? With the color stay on the paper? lol

2) I will be using 2 pictures, wrapping them completely around. But I was thinking of using scotch tape to keep the two pieces of paper together which would keep them against the round mold. Does scotch tape melt in wax?

3) Will I need to beat the snot out of the mold to keep air bubbles off the dry paper that gets hot wax poured into it?

Just some interesting questions I have mulling around in my head.

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:D :D :D :D :D :D Not to be discouraging....but if you don't know how to embed photos this is not the way to start....sorry. It is hard enough to get one picture to set where you want it. First try just using one....timing is so important that if you spend time trying to get it to adhere all around a mold....by the time you get to the back, the front will pull away. I use ink jet and 24# bright white paper. Nothing else. I have one cooling at this moment. But......experimenting is what this is all about. If you find out something that works for you then please let us know. We all like to put in our 2 cents worth....well sometimes I put in 3 cents. (smile) Donita
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Your three cents is worth a nickel, Donita. Okay okay, maybe a quarter, but no more, I'm cheap! Actually, its worth alot more, but I'm not a paying customer, so there ya have it.

But you miss the beauty of this process! If you have a full circle of paper on the inside of the mold, it won't come off the edge! But I have to find a way to keep the circle of paper together, because it will be in two pieces.

But imagine a legal size paper placed in the inside of your hurricane mold. It will wrap all the way around, and will stick itself to the edge. I *AM* gonna make this work. lol.

Now, Donita, I'd almost bet my favorite dust bunny that you've tried to use scotch tape in a wax mold of some sort in your vast experiments. Does it melt?

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oh....and one more thing.....molds aren't typically the same diameter at the top and bottom. They are designed to be larger at the top....slightly....for easy unmolding...so trying to have a round piece of paper fit perfectly....that will be a challenge. Donita Louise

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Neve tape....but white glue:wink2: Donita Louise

Hey! Thats a great idea! Does it work? The scotch tape will show through the wax so glue would come out better. It holds up through the high tempature?

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oh....and one more thing.....molds aren't typically the same diameter at the top and bottom. They are designed to be larger at the top....slightly....for easy unmolding...so trying to have a round piece of paper fit perfectly....that will be a challenge. Donita Louise

Ah! That explains why it was a little crooked when I was testing it. Yes, the challenging thing is going to get those two pieces of paper glued together just right. I'll have tons of copies, though. The glue will help because I'll be able to "slide" it around a litle bit while the glue is still wet.

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Here are some instructions, that might help. Please note, these may not be exact for what you are doing, but they still have some great info.



Oh neat. Can't wait to get home to pull these links up. Shopping sites are not allowed here at work. Luckily Candletech isn't blocked, or I don't think I'd be getting into this hobby.

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I don't know how this would work with your gluing and/or taping, but if you soak the picture in the hot wax before putting it in the mold (thoroughly dry from printing though), you wont have near as many problems with air bubbles. I heat the wax in a small baking pan to 200 for soaking. You can watch the bubbles float up and when they stop, all the air should be displaced.

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Here are some instructions, that might help. Please note, these may not be exact for what you are doing, but they still have some great info.



Thats perfect! The round one is exactly what I'm thinking of. Once I get two pieces of paper to be as one, this is exactly it.

Is Micro 180 better than universal additive, because universal is all I have. Will that be okay?

And, um, how much wax is this 5 inch hurricane mold going to hold? I surely hope its not more than the melting pot does, or I'm going to feel pretty stupid if I don't have enough melted wax to fill it. :embarasse

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I don't know how this would work with your gluing and/or taping, but if you soak the picture in the hot wax before putting it in the mold (thoroughly dry from printing though), you wont have near as many problems with air bubbles. I heat the wax in a small baking pan to 200 for soaking. You can watch the bubbles float up and when they stop, all the air should be displaced.

I'm worried about the air bubbles, but once the paper is in the mold against the walls, I don't want to move it.

Since its going to be pretty stable against the sides, I'll let it soak before I start cooling it and thunk it carefully but thoroughly with a wooden spoon.

I'm thinking about putting the mold in the oven before I pour so I can have time to let it soak before it starts hardening. The bubbles are really worrying me. Maybe putting the heat gun on it for awhile will help. Experience would help here. lol.

Anyone know the flashpoint of paper? lol.

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I started embedding photos close to a yr ago, with Donita's help, and lots of it! Everything she has ever told me has been right on the money, even if I just wanted to try something even though she said it wouldn't work, she has always been right! It took a lot of practice and patience to get my photos right, and I still have a few problems with larger pictures. I can't even imagine trying to get one to stick all the way around. But if you figure it out, let us know! I can't wait to get enough time to do another shell cane and by the way, my friends all loved the first one! Thanks Donita! :wink2:

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I can't even imagine trying to get one to stick all the way around. But if you figure it out, let us know!

I'm just so glad I picked such an easy project as my first ever candle. :undecided

Even if it takes me 100 tries, I AM going to make this work.


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If you're determined to have the paper go all the way around, you might want to try using a perfect cylindrical mold. I have managed this, but I use a metal kitchen tool caddy for a mold and it has straight sides. It takes a heavy dose of greasing and lots of patience to unmold it though. Also, the pictures I used were all on one piece of paper. I started in the middle and worked my way outwards, quickly alternating pressing and icing the sides until I got to the seam.

BTW: The tool caddy was from Wally World... $6.97 ;)

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I've tried a couple of picture canes myself, my worse problem was not being able to see through the mould (t-bag cannister ;) ) to see if the piccie was straight. Although Donita pointed out to make the piccie sit level on the bottom of the mould.

My other prob was for some reason the wax wasn't as white as the paper and the edges of the paper could be seen.

Good luck

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