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What are your must needed....


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What are your must needed tools when making cp soap, or any type of soap process. I need to know all that is needed before i hurt myself. Please share your horror stories or mishap stories, while making your cp soap. I know one thing is must needed patience when starting out, because sometimes soap might not turn out right.

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A few years ago when I made CP I had just mixed lye and water when something ,can`t remember now what happenened, but I had to leave the house and decided to leave the mixture outside on a table. Came in later after about 2 or 3 hours and found my dog forming at the mouth and in alot of pain.He had climb up on the table and drank the lye and water:cry2: . I called the vet and he said to put a water hose into his mouth and turn it on slowly.The insides of his mouth ( the skin) came out.I cried every time I saw him.He lived thur it though.I hand fed him for a month.He was 14 years old.He died when he was 16.I haven`t been able to make cp since the day that happen.

Please,please keep this stuff out of reach of pets and children!!!

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Accurate scale

stick blender



To add to this list, I would say a good stainless steel bowl (or glass) and a good stainless steel spoon. Other than that, that about covers it.

Some good tips are RESPECT your lye. Don't be afraid of it, but do respect it, and just pay attention to what you're doing, and you'll be fine. :)


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Always, always wear safety glasses. Lye can be static charged. I live in a dry climate and experienced a lye burn on the inside of my eyelid. I was weighing out the lye and a piece flew into my eye.

Never, ever rush.

Mark your pitchers of lye water with a permanent marker so hubby or children do not think it can be used for anything else. I keep my mixed lye in a high cabinet in my soap room. I have talked to my kids about it and that it will hurt them really bad if they get into it.


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All the above, plus-

*Fabric dryer sheets*.

I rub them on my lye containers and lye pitcher and any utensils that will touch the dry lye before it's mixed with the water. Somebody here had recommended using them as they cut down on the static electicity of the dry lye so it doesn't go flying everywhere. It works pretty good for me. HTH.


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Always, always wear safety glasses. Lye can be static charged. I live in a dry climate and experienced a lye burn on the inside of my eyelid. I was weighing out the lye and a piece flew into my eye.

Ouch! I've only had the static problem one time thank god and it totally freaked me out! Lye flying everywhere..That stuff does burn!

I agree with all the above, plus I would add patience.. Do not be afraid to ask questions.... Even if you screw up a batch, chalk it up to experience..MAKE LOTS OF NOTES!! My notes for soap/candles have now expanded into 2-2in thick notebooks (ok..I may be a bit overboard...but I know if I throw it away...I'll need it) Experiment..Try a bit of everything that is within your budget...

:yay: Have fun :yay:

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Fabric sheets - yes - thanks for that reminder.

I love my stickblender. Perfect. I like a wooden spoon to mix oils if I am heating them but then use a high-heat resistant plastic spoon when I am incorperating the lye and oils. The lye seemed to eat away at my wooden spoons over time. Was worried about wood slivers getting into the soap.

Mixing colors beforehand is helpful. Eliminates some of the "rushing" that others were talking about. You can do this w/FOs, additives, etc.

I always keep a piece of waxed paper to place my stick blender, spoons and spatulas on. Makes for easy clean up.

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