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I did it!


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i've posted in the candle pages but not the soap, so first of all Hello Everyone! anyways, thanks to reading lots of your threads i made my first CP soap! it's not the prettiest in the world, but its soap! :grin2: but i do have a question... I unmolded the soap yesterday and wanted to test it out a little, so i washed my hands a bit and didn't feel a burn or anything. isnt it supposed to have a zap (i dont think i really know what 'zap' means)... did i not use the right amount of lye? it lathers just like soap and everything and i used the measurements of the soapcalc. i know it has to cure for 4-6 weeks, i guess i just don't know what new soap is supposed to feel like. So if someone could explain this zap to me i would greatly appreciate it :smiley2:

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You don't WANT a zap!! If you did everything right and it was ready to be cut, it's o.k. to test yourself to see what it does (lather, bubbles). If you feel it zap (burn, irritate your skin), you have too much lye. Just let it cure now... Sounds like you did just fine! Now what's next??:D

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