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I prefer the liquid also, I agree with getting it all over everything! My fingernails stay colored different colors - don't have to worry with polishing them!! It is eaiser to keep the color of your candles consistent using the liquid and keep up with drops per scent. Much easier when you have to mix colors also. :smiley2:

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Liquid all the way. I can use 1/2 drops to make any colors I want. Our customers marvel at how many colors we've created already, with more to come.

However, I do agree with the comment about getting it all over the place. Get in a hurry & paint yourself beautiful colors.


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I use both dye chips and liquid dye. I find it easier to keep color consistancy from batch to batch with the dye chips. 1 chip or 2 chips per pound of wax will always yeild the same color. With liquid dye drops it is a little harder because your drops are not always the same size and sometimes an extra drop sneaks out by mistake. I use liquid dye for black because it makes a truer black. Black chips tend to end up gray. I also use liquid when making steaked candles. You can't drop a color chip into your mold, you can however, apply drops of color to your mold and have them streak down into your wax.

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I like walking around with colored fingernails and stained fingers from liquid dye. It's a great conversation piece :wink2:

I was using color crystals and recently started using liquids. I honestly am amazed at how little liquid it does take to color a candle and no more "spots" where something didn't dissolve.

Now if I can just get past the point that my fingers look like a bad finger painter, I will have it made lol.

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