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Aroma Ornie Storage

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I was curious as to how everyone stores their ornaments. I don't have the correct size bag for these right now. I am a smoker and I don't want them smelling like smoke or the packaging I'm going to put them in either.

Can these be kept in ziploc bags without it sucking out the fragrance.? I've got the right type of bags that have the hang loop hole coming.

My daughter had some one comment that a candle I sent for her to test smelled like cigarette smoke. I know it couldn't have been the candle but possibly the label and or shrink wrapping. Any suggestions on how to avoid this in the future. My thinking is to of course not smoke while I'm making up the candles and labels(grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) and after they are made place in a cardboard box taped up and not have them directly in the room I do smoke in.

Any suggestions/help on this is greatly appreciated.

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This depends. If you smoke in your house and all of your supplies are in the house and you make everything in the house, it's going to smell like smoke. Even if you tape a the box shut because the box itself absorbs the odors. Is your work area in a seperate room in the house? If so, don't smoke in that room as long as the door is always closed. But, I still think the smell will seep into that room. A smoker may not notice the odor but a non smoker definitely will.

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Smoke is the worst thing. I don't smoke so I can always smell it when an item as been stored in a smokers house. I've bought molds that smelled of smoke and haven't been about to get the odor out.

I don't know how you could keep it from picking up the smoke odor. Maybe you could take this a a sign and quit. :D

Maybe keeping baking soda in the same container would help.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help.

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I quit smoking 14 years ago and I have to say that it was the best thing I ever did for myself. If you want to quit, use the herb lobelia. It mimics nicotine in the system and will curb your cravings if you put a couple of drops in tea or coffee or any other beverage. I swear by it. I was a heavy smoker for 12 years and that's what worked for me. You couldn't do a better thing for yourself :) .

As far as the ornie storage, put them in the cello bags and out of the house if you don't want them to absorb the smell of cigarette smoke. I, too, never realized until I quit how much everything smells like it. It permeates everything.

Good luck!


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I smoke. Never in the house. Never in the candle shop. I'm so scared a non smoker will pick up on the smell that after I've taken a smoke break outside, I wash my hands before handling any products or supplies. Besides, I myself, a smoker, hate the smell of it. Ladysj, maybe start smoking outside? The odor will remain in the house though. You'd have to repaint and thoroughly clean everything to get rid of it. Do you have a garage where you can store your supplies?

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I have started smoking outside. I'll figure something out. All of my labels, etc. are in ziploc bags until I am ready to print and apply them.

I really want to know if the ziploc bags will draw out/soak up the fo from the ornies. I don't want to store them in there if the bag will draw out the fo.

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My daughter had some one comment that a candle I sent for her to test smelled like cigarette smoke. I know it couldn't have been the candle but possibly the label and or shrink wrapping.

Couldn't the wax of the candle have picked up the odor? Or is it unlikely?

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Not sure about the wax (I think it could be possible) but anything you use for packing and shipping can pick up the smell too then that can transfer to the product packaging etc...

For storage I try and store as much scented stuff as I can in glass containers.

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