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ehh i was gonna keep this off of here for reviews not because i didn't want reviews just for other reasons but its whatever now so please tell us what you think. the webset was done by PA and is hosted by Handcraft Market. love them and PA deals with me so well i'm suprised i haven't sent her running for the hills by now lol


ETA: the pictures look like crap right now they have our old labels on them and we didn't have a lightbox so i did some really bad photoshop editing on them to make them look half decent

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I don't have time right now to go through your site page by page, but I have to tell you, I really like what I see so far! Beautiful site setup. I love the colors! My only suggestion (and that's all it is, a suggestion!!) would be to take the exclamation marks around "April Special" off on the main page. Not sure why it bothers me, but I think it takes away from the elegance of the page.


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I think it looks OK. Some of the product descriptions look highlighted, but not all, and I think it looks a little odd. Also I have issues with the word "mommies", but maybe that's just me. Good luck!

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ugg i prob have so many typos lol i have to have people go through and proof read for me i never see them until its to late. thanx for pointing that out i'll fix that i gotta go through all my pages for like the 10th time and find some more typos

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Hi - I think it's a good start. I've been a graphic designer for the past 20 years and was going to reply to 'that other' website critique request until it got ridiculous - this one is a lot safer :grin2:

I think your name in the heading needs an apostrophe? I like your slogan.

Also like the colors but can't help thinking I've seen this setup before? Do you have a hosting company that only lets you choose from so many layouts? It seems to me I saw this - maybe even from someone here. It had a black and white photo on the front page of someone looking at products or something. At any rate, it helps to be distinctive - this one really reminded me of the other I saw for bath and body products.

The photos are pretty good once you click and enlarge them. Just a thought since you have photoshop. Maybe you could do a vignette look around the background to soften that stark white? That would make the page look a little less boxy.

I don't see an address or phone number. I'd include both on the contact page and the phone number on every page. It makes you look more reputable. That sounded bad - I didn't mean that you weren't reputable :grin2: - it's just that with everyone and their brother having websites now, people like to feel secure with their orders and have a real company they can contact.

Don't forget to post sizes of your products (weights) plus ingredients

Guess that's it - please know that the above is meant as contsructive criticizm and I wish you the best of luck in your new venture!

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I tweaked your intro just a bit.

Welcome To Leolilys where all of our products are handcrafted with love. Leolilys is owned and operated by two stay-at-home moms wanting to continue to spend their days with their children and develop a business that they enjoy.

We use only the finest ingredients in our Bath & Body products and 100% soy wax in our candle products.

Please enjoy the products offered on our site. If you would like something special that is not listed, please contact us, we will do everything possible to accomodate your request.

I did like your site, and like PAs work, and will utilize HCM myself.

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Jen! It looks fabulous! PA is helping me with mine right now and I just love her!!!! I can't wait to get mine going but so far PA is doing outstanding work! She took a really confused person (me) and made a beautiful webset! Good luck and many sales!


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arkangel, thank you for your opinion we left the apostrophe out on purpose, but may consider adding it in not sure really like it the way it is with nothin there.

the webset was designed specifically for us using out colors and the lily was used because of the name.

i'll definitly add in the address and phone number but were waiting till we get our po box for our address right now since we work out of my house.

i have no idea what a vingette is lol so i wouldn't even know where to begin with that but i'll look into it someone i know is awesome with photoshop so i might be able to get some help there.

Deb, Thanx so much that looks great i'm assuming you don't mind if i use that if you don't want me to just let me know and i'll change it back but i really love what you wrote

indy, isn't sharon the bestest so patient with us sometimes lol

everyone who complimented thanx so much and feel free to point out any errors. a well put together website is a key part of our business and its very difficult to step outside your own box and critique your own work

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Some minor stuff on scent descriptions page:

Monkey Farts - Don't be fooled by the name this delicious scent will wrap...

Don't be fooled by the name. This delicious scent will wrap...

Sweet Pea - An english garden


Italian Biscotti - The aroman of crispy almond cookies...

I love your font and the overall color scheme of your site. :grin2:

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Some minor stuff on scent descriptions page:

Monkey Farts - Don't be fooled by the name this delicious scent will wrap...

Don't be fooled by the name. This delicious scent will wrap...

Sweet Pea - An english garden


Italian Biscotti - The aroman of crispy almond cookies...

I love your font and the overall color scheme of your site. :grin2:

thanx tangerine.. now i gotta figure out WTH i did, did i add an n to ever single aroma i put in there

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I really like it -- very clean & classy -- makes me (as a customer) think you have your 'stuff' together. PA did a great job. I understand what arkangel is saying about the apostrophe, but it's your call. I did a layout for a company called Paint Divas & we had to pull out an English Text to decide on the use of/lack of an apostrophe -- they didn't use it. In the same vein as Deb -- I think some of your wordage is a little rough & needs to be cleaned up, like on the homepage & the about us page. This is just nitpicking, but it sounds like a rough draft - the spoken thoughts, as opposed to the written word. Overall -- very nice, you should be proud.


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