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Lesson #5,357 of what goes wrong (pic heavy)

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Of what goes wrong when I 'try' to be creative. :rolleyes2

Side by side pour...how hard can it be?? I said to myself. HA!!! I really, really should have known better. Self and I need to sit down and have a heart to heart about thinking these things thru BEFORE making these disasters....

1st mistake, 8 pound batch....

2nd mistake - trying to do a floral scent (Fragance Oil Heaven, Black Rose - I don't like florals, but this one is nice) but - it does move.....

First log in the mold....ok, not looking too bad....:smiley2:


Second log, ok - starting to move a bit, but hey...I can handle this. :cool2:


Ut oh...third log....better hustle!! Damn...ok - stuff it in!!! :shocked2:


Hells Bells!!! What in the world am I gonna do with this!!!!????? :angry2: Cram it in, hope for the best...of course - didn't happen.... 2 pics top & side views...



If nothing else, it does smell good. Will cut it later today to see how bad it really is.

So - for those trying to do a side by side for your 1st attempt, learn from this mess lol - small batch and a proven non-accelerating FO. :laugh2:

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Wow! You must have been moving fast to even get it in the molds with that going on. :shocked2:

It's neat to see the pictures of the acceleration of that FO. Thanks for posting your lesson! (Though I wish it had gone smoothly for you instead. :sad2:)

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You made a batch to pour 3 logs? Wowzer. Never even occurred to me to make a huge batch and split it but then again my bowls only hold 2# anyway...

The first one is GORGEOUS. The second one is interesting. The third one... well learn from it! (oh and don't try to fix it by rebatching - think of the resulting color LOL!!!)

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Actually - it's 4 logs.

Never claimed to be too bright, lol. The final log is garbage. There is no re-batching, and I have since cut the logs and suffice it to say, it's pretty hideous, lol. Ah well - lesson learned eh? I 'think' all would have worked out ok 'cept the FO really moved on me despite the claims that it doesn't. I may have poured a little hot but wanted to have it very fluid as knowing it was a floral it may have been an issue - it was.

But - the fragrance is AWESOME. I don't normally care for florals, and work with them out of necessity not choice. This smells exactly like a freshly cut bouquet of roses. I will re-purchase it for sure. Just make smaller batches with it & not get creative, lol.

You made a batch to pour 3 logs? Wowzer. Never even occurred to me to make a huge batch and split it but then again my bowls only hold 2# anyway...

The first one is GORGEOUS. The second one is interesting. The third one... well learn from it! (oh and don't try to fix it by rebatching - think of the resulting color LOL!!!)

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I was just about to post on your thread and don't agree that yours didn't come out well. I LOVE that side by side & the coloring. Why anyone in their right mind wouldn't buy homemade soap v/s the grocery store junk is beyond me.

Well, for what its worth, the first one looks fabulous!

I tried another attempt at the side by side pour last night....doesnt look as nice os your first one...but not too shabby this time around.

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Thank you all for the condolences & suggestions. Hopefully, someone else can learn from my little adventure, lol.

I will post cut pics later today (hopefully) - the first 3 logs actually look pretty good....shock of shocks. The last log, ummm....well - sugar scrub is a GREAT idea!!!! LOL

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Ok - this is my advance warning - the pictures you are about to view are not intended for the young or faint of heart - continue viewing at your own risk! :D

Alright, I guess it's not as bad as all that, lol.

Pic #1 - cut soap from logs #1 & 2


Pic #2 - cut soap from log #3 (actually turned out pretty cool)


Last & least - the scary last log that was takin on it's own lifeform in the mold!! Not horrific, but they will be shredded for something or I'm actually thinking of putting them in a mesh bag & hanging them in a closet. They are F'ugly, but smell really good!


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